I recently purchased an OEM carbon fiber hood from Fatcavy04 (David Shelabarger) and pretty much got screwed in the process. He shipped it DHL and came damaged due to poor packaging by him. He put the hood in a piece of cardboard and taped it with duct tape with no padding what so ever in the box to protect it. I told him to make sure he gets insurance on the hood and to write FRAGILE on the box as well. Neither was done and I will be taking my case to my attorney if he doesnt return my phone calls immediately. He filed a claim with DHL for a damaged product but it was his fault so im not sure how this is going to pan out but i will be getting my 350 dollars back no matter what it takes plus attorney fees if this does require legal action. BEWARE OF HIM AND ANY PRODUCTS HE SELLS ON J-BODY.
He filed a claim with DHL for a damaged product but it was his fault so im not sure how this is going to pan out but i will be getting my 350 dollars back no matter what it takes plus attorney fees if this does require legal action.
For 350.00 dollars you will end up going to Small Claims Court. No judge in the world will ever make someone else pay for any kind of attorney fees when you end up going to small claims court.
Good luck with your situation.
I bought a barely used "like new" NX kit from him, there was no jets other then what was in the nozzle, the mount for the nozzle was missing, most of the wiring was cut off, just a couple inch pigtails off the solinoids, no switches, no bottle brackets, all which I had to buy after the fact. I've met him in person a few times, hes not a bad guy but personally I wouldn't buy anything off him again.
Want me to trash his car at the track
Guy never seemed too trustworthy to me. Guess we now know the truth.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
What a fag...
That's pretty freakin' lame.
I would be severely pissed as well.
Sorry to hear about the loss. But shouldn't YOU have put in the claim? ALWAYS check the shipment before the driver leaves and submit claims right then. He shouldn't be filing the claim though you should.
I know I don't know the full story just some friendly advice in an area where I have experience.
It really makes me sick when people don't pack their items well.
Yea, ummmm. I used to have a J-body...
I knew I recognized that name (thanks JimmyZ). Sorry to hear about your luck, Blue Splash (and Darkstars), hopefully everything will get resolved.
If you need any help from someone local to him let me know. I know where his "team" has their "racing series" so I'm sure I can find him easily.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Yea let him know whats going to happen legally if I dont receive a refund or if i don't hear back fro him. As for DHL he said he filed the claim but im calling back today also to file one. DHL also screwed up too. The driver helped me open the box and seen it was damaged and said i MUST sign for it and he cant do anything about it which was a BS story so i called DHL and then said they would have high authority call me back in 24 hrs which they didn't so actually DHL might be responsible also because when he told me i had to sign for it he was making me sign saying it was not damaged which he saw it was. Mostly he is responsilbe for being a total moron and not caring about how he packages things he sells to other people. I really think he should be banned from the site for being so dumb.
Well you have learned two things from this:
1) Don't buy from people who just want money and don't care about anyone else.
2) Don't use DHL for sipping NO MATTER WHAT. Shipments are always late, missing, or damaged when I have used them.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I had a problem with DHL as well... I bought an XBOX 360 off of eBay and got an empty box. I was screwed pretty much, until i reported it to my credit card company. I reported it to paypal and they did an investigation but didnt help much. My credit card company reversed the transacion and give you back your money.
Then they do an investigation that will take months and months
mines is still going, and like you. .. . . . the dhl driver helped me open the box because it was so light... i got the driver to write up a testimonial and leave his contact information as a witness for me (he was a great guy) and my case is solid so i believe that i will win this (occured 6 months ago)
A lawyer is not going to do you any good... for two big reasons, you are in different states, its only 350, and I really hope you paid with a credit card/paypal because the legal systems see 350 as chump change even though its a lot of money to me and a lot of other people.... I think that my case is done now, but i am not sure, and i dont care because they cant put it back on my account unless i sign a consent form which i will never do
You need to get your finicial insitutions invovled... they will get your problem solved.... espailly if you just the DHL drivers testimonial!!
Good Luck Man, and fatcavy04, thats pretty messed up man.
|Forged 8.9:1 Wiseco Pistons|Forged Eagle Rods|HPTuners|60trim|Tial Wastegate|
|Precision Intercooler|2.5" Exhaust|2.5" Charge Pipes|630CC Mototron Injectors|
|Stock: Fuel Pump, Transmission, Manifold, TB, Head, Head Gasket, Ignition, Suspension...|
Ill have to talk to my bank and see what advice they can give me since I paid with a Money order from my bank. I know this is going to take a while and it sucks all because some @!#$ is a moron. All i have to say is that Belvidere, IN isnt that far of a drive for me to come and take it out of his ass. Fucing moron. If any one talks to him tell him to reply to this post if he wants to be a man about it and not a pussy.
Well this went from zero to ugly in about 3 seconds flat, didn't it? Everyone calm down, take a breath and realize that making threats (against a person or their property) is not only against the rules of this site, but also against the law pretty much everywhere.
You have plenty of legal means at your disposal to get this problem solved, use them.
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