Just as a tip... When cleaning out your throttle body with TB cleaner, make sure the straw on the can is really on there!!! Cleaning away, all of a sudden... i watch it shoot that damn thing right down the TB like a javelin.. haha
lol... i just spent about a half hour trying to fish it out of my intake manifold.. too fan in for pliers, ended up having to use a long screwdriver wrapped in electrical tape rather then rip the TB off and have to buy a new gasket..
I found it amusing.. thought i'd share
In 99.9% of cases on the 2.4 there is no need to replace the gasket when removing the TB. The gasket is rubber and holds up pretty well over time. I have actually never had to replace the gasket on all the engines I've ever worked on (which is a fairly long list at this point).
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
good to know! thanks man...
I watched a video on youtube where a guy cleaned out a TB using throttle body cleaner, than sprayed it down with brake cleaner to remove the residue from the cleaning. The electronics were removed from the TB prior to cleaning it. Just wondered, has anyone tried this method. The TB being cleaned in the video was from a Saturn though, not a jbody.
TB cleaner works wonders for cleaning.. and the "residue" left behind is lubricant.. I wouldnt use brake cleaner regardless if its safe or not, its not needed imo...