anyone know the laws in canada on no hood? I want to drive to Scrape by the Lake with no hood, just wondering if they'll give me problems or even let me over the border.
any ideas?
ummm i dont think i would take the chance with all the @!#$ going on in ontario already, ps why are you going to scrape? drive up to DMCC with us
is that the one in Quebec?
and whats going on in ontario?? im confused
we've got this retarded street racing crap going on its basically the same rules as always just give the cops somethign new to pull you over for. Also the show is in toronto I think Phewes is coming and Chris my buddy, also Vince better be showing up car finished or not. Its at downsview park
not sure if my car would even make it to toronto, lol
all my boys are going to Scrape, and I didnt have my car there last year, so I'm dieing to see how she does.
anyone know who won Scrape last year for the J-bodies?
Take the hood off at the show.
^^^well there in lies the problem. the hood is destroyed, so i cant even put it on.
id much rather have a hood, but i also dont wanna miss the show due to no hood
I dont see a problem with no hood.... tones have done it before, there are no laws against it.
I'll check with my buddy who is a Toronto cop if you want.. he gives me the down low on all this stuff.
STYLEZ wrote:I dont see a problem with no hood.... tones have done it before, there are no laws against it.
I'll check with my buddy who is a Toronto cop if you want.. he gives me the down low on all this stuff.
if you could do that, i owe you one big time!! i just dont want to get to the border and have em pull me over and rip my car apart.
i drove from London to Toronto with no hood to pick up a new CF one never got bothered passed 8 or 9 cops.
had it for a while then drove to Toronto SOLD the hood Drove from Toronto TO Niagara Falls with NO hood passed alot of COPs that time too spent the nite with a tarp over the front ene then drove from Niagara Falls to Hamilton in the morning to get a brand new hood again NO problems
you will be fine as long as you have wheel wells int he front its legal if they can see your tires in the engine bay it illegal
VIPERREDZED wrote:you will be fine as long as you have wheel wells int he front its legal if they can see your tires in the engine bay it illegal 
really? you need wheel wells? thats wierd. could be an issue for me, lol, since i pulled all of my wells out.
My dad and i drove his 73 mustang vert from bowmanville to detroit and never had any problems...........U will have NO problems driving around w/o one...the only thing I'd be a bit skeptical about is the boarder.....
Gary Frank wrote:My dad and i drove his 73 mustang vert from bowmanville to detroit and never had any problems...........U will have NO problems driving around w/o one...the only thing I'd be a bit skeptical about is the boarder.....
but didnt you have to cross the border too?
I have driven many "heat score" cars without hoods around the GTA.
The worst I got was a thumbs up.
I too drove to Toronto from London area with no hood, cops looked but didn't care less. And it is true about the wheel wells.... you gotta have them.
hey peopel i was wondering the same thing i live about 3. hours from toronto and i called the opp and the mto about this and they both told me it is totaly legal to drive with out a hood if that helps any one out
yep same here drove from London to Toronto with no hood to pick up my new hood passed many cops nobody stoped me there is no law saying u can't drive with no hood but ya have to have wheel wells
Yeah as long as you don't give the bastards a reason to pull you over your fine but if they do smoke on out after.....
I drove from Milton to Hamilton to pick up my CF hood this year. Cops didn't even give me a second look, but regular people will look at you funny.
Among the winners, there is no room for the weak
What about those with the CAI in the fender and the crank case breather ??
the blower sounded the best with no hood on
i think that i will do it more often
but ya cops dont care, i do it all the time and my car gets alot of attention good and bad
So on the crank case breather Q it won't matter ? Cuz it looks like I may have to go without a hood to get my new one which I really don't wanna do... But I can't find a vehicle large enough to carry 2 hoods.
So far as I know, there's no law that says you need a hood. You just have to ensure nothing's loose that could come off.
crankcase breathers are illegal, hood or no are bypassing the emissions system.
good to know about the no hood though. was debating on it to save weight for the track.
1997 RedR - ZedR
Ask your local bodyshop about what you can and can't drive around with legally. I'm in Hamilton and my body guy told me once, i just forgot.