Ok, I got 2 tickets from last weekend. its for no wipers and fail to hand insurance card.
Here is my reasons...
1. $110 for no wipers because I dont drive the car in rain nor daily.
2. $65 for no insurance card because other cop pulled me over at night before this next day (less than 24 hours) when I got pulled over again.. the card was in my other pants pocket so I forgot to pull it out and put it back in the car.
I explained my reasons to the cop.. he said I can go to court, he suggested me that. I know there is no going back once when he wrote me those tickets.
one thing, he wrote a paper listing all the possibly charges with my tint, illegal mufflers, no wipers, no insurance card, no plate on front, fail to notify ministry of transportation about my car is no longer green. He made me to sign bottom of the paper and print my name clearly..
There are no points in those both tickets... what do you guys think? any feedbacks would be helpful.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, May 20, 2008 1:38 PM
Pay your tickets and move on.
He let you off of fair bit.
Your car is a heat score. Your are going to get hassled all the time. Get an extra copy of your pink card and leave it int he trunk.
Well I think you should have got the car colour on the ownership changed, it's only like $15
The only one I think you will be able to fight is the insurance card one. All the other things are changes you made from the OEM standard the car was made too, which no judge will go against.
You took off the wipers?!?!...I have never noticed that. I was thinking of doing that on my 4dr.
You got off REALLY really easy. You deserve both those tickets unfortunately. highway traffic act clearly states ANY vehicle on the road requires working wipers. Your car would fail safety without them. The second ticket is your own fault... you didn't have proof of insurance on hand, and that's exactly what the ticket is for. No proof of insurance at the time of pull-over.
At the most you'll get a reduction on the second ticket but you are still guilty of failure to provide insurance at the scene.
As for the rest of your mods. WOW! He let you off on ALL that? Count yourself lucky I would have been raped and pillaged on the side of the road.
- No plate on front - $110 which you SHOULD have gotten. Put the damn plate on.
- Failure to notify change of colour - CLEARLY stated in the highway traffic act. $110 ticket and you got off on it. GO change it... it's $15 as mentioned for an updated ownership and a totally avoidable ticket.
- Illegal mufflers - your mufflers are loud bro. I know you can't hear how loud they are but trust me when I say when you drive in front of me I cringe - they are VERY loud. Cops will hassle you for anything these days (including a shiny muffler) but yours would fail on a DB test. $110 ticket you avoided.
- Illegal tint... unless he had a gun to measure the tint this was a BS call.
You signed a written warning. If you get pulled over again with any one of those things they will nail you for ALL of them as well as possibly tow the car for a full inspection by their own inspector. You don't want that man. Fix everything to their satisfaction and drive with the assurance that if you do get pulled over they can't spend 3 hours picking out every last clearly illegal modification to the car.
Good luck man.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
U should'a said the cop kept it at ur last ticket. Had that happen to my dad once I needed his insurance policy # and thats when he found out the cop had kept it lol
Other one fight it.
Lol yeah I realized I got off easily though... but I still dont feel right. My record is clean for over 3 yrs.... no reason to pick on me but to grab my hard earned $$.. ah well! damn those "norms."
Wiper is back on as of last week now..
I will change the ownership soon for sure. For only $15 makes me feel better..
For the mufflers, well I dont know what I can help with that.. turn the engine off at every pull overs maybe? I think I will try that though.
For the plate on front, I have to figure this out. I ve always gotten away with that every time when they pull me over for that. I just said people must like my plate so they stole it... so its on the order.
Chris, its time and its already overdue for me to clean up the mess.

Guys, thanks for the comments too!
never got the point of a front license plate....
Phewes wrote:For the plate on front, I have to figure this out. I ve always gotten away with that every time when they pull me over for that. I just said people must like my plate so they stole it... so its on the order. 
You should make up some Brackets like Wild Wezel did for his car. If I am remembering correctly I think that he can remove the plate with part of the bracket and then just some mounting tabs are left coming out of the mesh (for when you do more photoshoots).
SweetnessGT wrote:Darren,
You got off REALLY really easy. You deserve both those tickets unfortunately. highway traffic act clearly states ANY vehicle on the road requires working wipers. Your car would fail safety without them. The second ticket is your own fault... you didn't have proof of insurance on hand, and that's exactly what the ticket is for. No proof of insurance at the time of pull-over.
At the most you'll get a reduction on the second ticket but you are still guilty of failure to provide insurance at the scene.
As for the rest of your mods. WOW! He let you off on ALL that? Count yourself lucky I would have been raped and pillaged on the side of the road.
- No plate on front - $110 which you SHOULD have gotten. Put the damn plate on.
- Failure to notify change of colour - CLEARLY stated in the highway traffic act. $110 ticket and you got off on it. GO change it... it's $15 as mentioned for an updated ownership and a totally avoidable ticket.
- Illegal mufflers - your mufflers are loud bro. I know you can't hear how loud they are but trust me when I say when you drive in front of me I cringe - they are VERY loud. Cops will hassle you for anything these days (including a shiny muffler) but yours would fail on a DB test. $110 ticket you avoided.
- Illegal tint... unless he had a gun to measure the tint this was a BS call.
You signed a written warning. If you get pulled over again with any one of those things they will nail you for ALL of them as well as possibly tow the car for a full inspection by their own inspector. You don't want that man. Fix everything to their satisfaction and drive with the assurance that if you do get pulled over they can't spend 3 hours picking out every last clearly illegal modification to the car.
Good luck man.
Chris got some good points! You are lucky bastard! how could you not! heh... I still think you should of have talked to a friend's (of cop) like you told me b4 that you know somebody who's friend with your local cops. that's another big part that could fix this bs.
you got off easy just pay it a move on. and i always turn my car off when they pull me over. less they hear or see the better off you are
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Well, I'll kinda tell you how it is..
I'd just pay those fines and move on, if you drag the cop who wrote you those tickets to court over it, and he gets bitter about it, I see many more tickets in your furture. Also, it has a lot to do with how you just drive your car, depending on the size of your community. I live in KW, and I used to have a Camaro when I was 16, and a Trans Am up until I was 19, I drove like an assclown, and got pulled over ALL the time, never for any of my actual infractions, but because of BS things, like exhaust, front plate, etc. Why? Because cops see you drive like an assclown on their time off, and remember your car for future reference. My cavalier is starting to turn into a giant heat magnet, and I haven't been pulled over in it once, and I drive it every day....
But, really Phewes, all it takes is a cop having a bad day one time, and you'll get completely raped on your car... It's a lot easier to just try to stay legal, then to deal with tickets and crap all the time. Might want to consider changing your mufflers etc...
Just my 2 cents.
There will always be someone faster than you, but thousands slower and dumber than you.
personally Id fight them.
Just bring a picture of your car with the wipers on, and bring your insurance card and they should get thrown out.
I know I got about 6 tickets last year for my tints and various things, I brought a picture of my car without the tints on and it was thrown out without question.
You work hard for your money and I dont think you should hand it over that easily~!

"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
supernaut wrote:Phewes wrote:For the plate on front, I have to figure this out. I ve always gotten away with that every time when they pull me over for that. I just said people must like my plate so they stole it... so its on the order. 
You should make up some Brackets like Wild Wezel did for his car. If I am remembering correctly I think that he can remove the plate with part of the bracket and then just some mounting tabs are left coming out of the mesh (for when you do more photoshoots).
Wicked! Never knew anyone actually noticed that. My step brother custom welded my bracket for me.
It's got a pair of brackets attached to the absorber behind the bumper. The plate bracket slides into them and attached with screws through the sides. It's a bit of effort to do it, but I can take it off and there's nothing visible remaining.
I think this might be the only pic I has that shows it...
Darren... while you can just pay the fines and be on your way without any insurance repercussions or anything, fighting them probably will save you a few bucks. You'll likely get them reduced or dropped if you take them to court.