my key is stuck in the ignition... i dont have my haynes handy... what could be the problem?
lock cyl and key not cheep if your manuel mine was like 150+
Run the shifter back and forth to make sure it is in park, and turn the wheel back and forth some to see if it will release.
it has been like this for a while... i know i dont have to shimmy the wheel... and what i think is it may be the switch to let it know its in park but i dunno if it could be anything else... and i dont havr the dealer manual i have the 15 dollar haynes manual...
Same thing happened to my 91 Sunbird after some red neck kid assended me at a stoplight. Finally got it out when I jammed the shifter hard into low, came right out after I parked it . Hope this helps.
i had the same damn problem, and literally same car lol, sunbird convertible 91, ha same color to but ya i had to replace the lock cylinder, it was like 15 bucks or so at advance auto, just a bitch to do it, fyi make sure u get the cylinder to lock back in when u replace it if not it will slide out...ha i made that noob mistake
good to know... i also have to replace a blinker return spring... yippee... cant waut for the dealer repair manual to come in... 4.99 on ebay!