I just ordered a set of Arospeed springs and wondered how hard they are to install. My friend gave me a $250 quote to install but thats @!#$ bullll@!#$ and I'd rather do it myself. Is there anyone up in Rochester NY thats willing to do it for cheaper? Or free?
Your FRIEND gave you that quote?? Some friend! Sheesh!
I'd expect that price from a dealer, but a friend should do it for beer.
I do that sort of thing for people I don't know for around $100 CAD.
I'm in syracuse... if you come to me and have all the parts ready to go( Springs, new struts, stock mounts in good condition, and spring compressor [ you can rent one then return it for your $ back]) i'll work with you on it and show you how to do it and say $100? I've done mine twice and 1 other j-body. Or if you want contact Chris-AgentOmega on here. The RDFABS shop is located in Port Byron NY, they are the ones who make the killer SS intakes and stiffening braces and a whole slew of other goodies for our cars. The shop is ABout 30-40 min from rochester and inbetween me and you. My last setup I installed at the RDfabs shop one sat in april last year. Chris lended a hand during parts of it so we wouldn't have to play contortionists... tooks us 4-5 hrs but we also shot the @!#$ and drank some beers while doing it. Between him and I we could pound that sucker out in no time at all. But i don't know what he would charge you... Let me or him know, we'd be very happy to help ya out man.
bradiscool.com check that out for the install
hey thanks alot guys. I am actually trying to cancel my arospeed order. All that i've heard is that they are @!#$. We'll see what happens
if you wanna know good parts, read the faqs at the top. it has alot of good info in there