hey sup..
i read way back oo about 6 mts ago.. someone said you can tighten it by going in reverse is this true?.. reason i ask is my inspection is due and i have NO e-brake tension i know i can take off the drums and tighten it with the little screw thingy but thats some work (plus my apt. complex doesnt want me to work on my car says makes the complex look ghetto damn luxury apts!).. i have a 97 auto gt fire if that makes any difference..
or is there another way?
beer is like a chick.. well not really its just beer, it be cool thou huh?
how exactly i tired but to no avail. i read in a old post to pull up the brake and do it. doesnt work! please help!
beer is like a chick.. well not really its just beer, it be cool thou huh?
@!#$ your apartment... i wasnt sopose to work on my vehicles either, but we pulled the motor in the car, and lowered the truck... landlord just told us to make sure vehicles "looked" like they were driveable by that evening. So we would just sit the hood back on, lower the jackstands, and put 2 lugs back on the wheels to hold them on over night.... it looked normal
Just go to a far corner and work on it... it will take you what about 1 hour to do both drums at most... they shouldnt complain about you working on something for that little amount of time.
Old English 800 wrote:how exactly i tired but to no avail. i read in a old post to pull up the brake and do it. doesnt work! please help!
The adjustment has nothing to do with the handle. Never drive with the handle pulled up.
Just go in reverse and slam on the brakes a few times. It should self-adjust. When it does, the handle should work as a result.
self adjusters suck. always have, always will.