i think i need to change my back brakes..the car squats..its the brakes right?
What are you talking about? When it's driving? Parking? What?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I think I may know what you're talking about. Lately when I apply the brake to shift from park or reverse to drive and then let the brake off, I can feel the rear end of my car go down a bit. It's just enough for me to notice.
i have the same prob, when i let off the brakes like say at a stoplight, my passenger rear pops up like im hitting switches. At the same times it goes "clunk". what the @#$# is it?
like ok lets say im driving in a little snow or rain...if i press the brakes a little too hard..the the rear wheels lock..are the rear brakes finished?..its like when i put my handbrake up when i park..and the car sits in its own groove..like the back end drops a bit..it makes a clunck and thats it im slidding
^^^Exactly what mine does, is this bad?
I can make it look like I have hyrdos almost, If I let the car idle with no footbrake on (in drive) and pull the ebrake the back lowers almost an inch then when I release the ebrake it raises back up.
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
^^^^^^^^there you go..so i'm not going crazy..haahhah..some answer..c'mon...somebody knows
when it is warm and wet out (basically every day... any more), when I first drive my car after it being parked a bit, when I hit the brakes my ass end squats like i pulled the e brake. It goes away after a time. I think it may have something to do with the e-brake cable as i replaced said brakes, and the wheel cylinders, but to no avail. it is a lot less frequent, and it helps to clean them out, but I've not solved the problem.
Is it that the back brakes lock up way befor the fronts, cause my old Cutless does the same damn thing. It goes away after I use the brakes a few times
Whats up guys. Yeah, i had the same problem once before. Your rear brakes are gone! You all are leaking brake fluid into the master clylinders. Your brakes will need replacing in the back.
sounds like time for a little denial on my part. My wallet can't handle replacing brakes, unless you just mean pads
Hell hath no fury like a pissed off balloon animal.
"Sup, G?"
"Aren't you white?"
"Only on the outside, craka."
Dashaun Jeter wrote:Whats up guys. Yeah, i had the same problem once before. Your rear brakes are gone! You all are leaking brake fluid into the master clylinders. Your brakes will need replacing in the back.
hahahahahahaha. dude please never give advice again. you dont leaking fluid into your master cylinders. fluid gets moved out of the master cylinder when you hit the brakes. sheesh. maybe you might wheel cylinders? even though that would be wrong too.
when i park mine in my driveway and pull the ebrake the rear goes up a little. its because im on an incline. the car naturally moves while the wheels dont. release the brake and the car settles back down. you all could be having the same thing happening.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
i kept my mouth shut on that one
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -