Hey Guys,
I need to temp. lower my car because I'm going to be getting air ride next year. However this summer I need to lower it for shows. I'm real short on money so I was wondering if anyone has tried cutting the rear springs to lower it? I have a drift kit and the front is already too low that I can't get out of my driveway... and the rear looks ridiculously high. I figure if I lower the rear, the front will come up and look more even. Has anyone tried cutting the rear springs and know if it will work? Thanks
if you are going to do that just buy some ebay springs.... that would be ridiculous.
Seriously, just buy some cheap springs. I'll bet you could get dropzones or something like that for under 80 dollars. Good luck.
I'll have a sig someday....................
but springs are dangerous, this is probably the the ONLY time I would say get the cheap springs.
Why would you say it's ridiculous... is it because you think the car would bottom out or something?
Cutting your springs is a bad idea because it in fact weakens the spring itself, presenting problems as you are operating your vehicle. The cheap springs will not present the same problems as the cut ones because they are a single unit that hasn't been weakened like the cut ones and when your struts are totally shot in a year's time, you won't care because you are getting the air ride. These springs are under 100 shipped so don't pull a "honda" and cut the springs, just buy the cheapies.................
I'll have a sig someday....................
Ummmmmmmmm wait for the bags, and if your in shows the judges will look at how you lowered your car and they will deduct points for "ghetto @$$" mods. Just be patient and wait for the bags to really kicks some @$$ at the shows! Remember its your suspension you really dont want to mess with it!
"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Thanks guys... I won't cut my rear springs. What cheap springs do you then recommend so that my front will be raised and my rear will be lowered. I need to make it out of the driveway... lol.
Cut HALF a coil off the TOP of the rear spring.
Do not use a torch. Use a high speed cutting disk.
I am all that is man
Will that be enough to raise the front a little and not make the rear look like it's jacked way up?
Nothing you do to the rear of the car is going to raise the front.
It'll point the nose a little straighter so I suppose the very front will be raised a little but it's negligable.
If you're really planning on getting the air ride, then just leave it for now. Don't dick around with ghetto mods that could end up costing you the money you intend to spend on the air ride system in repairs.