What is the color of the forum background so I can make sigs blend in?
Well, not to be a prick, but all you have to do is press print screen when you're somewhere with the background, then open a new document, paste it, and select the color with the eyedropper tool. Also, this question has been asked and answered before.
Or make it trasnparent..............noobs
New Look Coming Soon..
Disorder, yeah, but not everyone knows how to save a clean edged gif
JBoDiED wrote:Well, not to be a prick, but all you have to do is press print screen when you're somewhere with the background, then open a new document, paste it, and select the color with the eyedropper tool. Also, this question has been asked and answered before.
I thought about the eye dropper already, but I was unsure if it would come out clear. I know sometimes it will be off just slightly and make it look a little odd. I did search and and came up with nothing, maybe I was just searching with the wrong words.
So you're telling me you would rather right a paragraph about what I should have done because its easier then typing a few little numbers?
Well, it's not that I would have told you, but by the time Photoshop opened, and I eyedropped the color, I would have been able to type that twice.
Either way...thanks for the code =P