For those of you that are memebrs at Creative Draft, the site has been hacke byed Game Over. I have no clue what this means. Nathaniel, i hope evrything gets worked out bro, cuz that site was awesome. If you or any other members know what we can do to help, post here.
Creative Draft
Creative Draft Member
Dang! I knew I should've refreshed before I hit post.
Oh well, Mods, feel free to delete my topic.
And Nate, in case the other thread gets deleted before you read it, either you or articzap let us know a timeframe of when everything will be back up.
pretty screwed up stuff isnt it.....hopefully they can get it fixed.
Creative Draft
Creative Draft Member
dang that sucks! what the hell would you want to hack a site and just delete a few things for????? how retarded!!
I noticed that this morning as well, it sucks.
Have a good one,
as long as nate had a back up, it should all be good. since all they seemed to delete were all the posts. didn't see anything else touched. well, nate when you see it all, let us know when it'll be back up. and what a crappy time, the voting for the contest was suppose to be going up!
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
i wouldnt know what that site is like sence i got banned for no reason
first of all chris m- stop playing dumb we already had this conversation in email. YOU KNOW UR LIEING ABOUT EVERYTHING AND I KNOW IT TO! u were banned because you "and all your friends" happen to have the exact same ip and the story you gave is imposible
everyone check the site for info about whats going to happen

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
it was just me and one other friend
wether it was u and 10 other "people" or one other made up person it really doesnt matter. your story is a lie. get over it. maybe next tiem you should just not try and cheat.
drop the subject this is not the place to discuss this matter

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
Well Nath.. Im not registered anymore??? I dont know why i am not a member anymore. Should i sign back up? And if i find out who did this i swear they better pray they have every anti-virus program ever made.
<a href="">Creative Draft Image Manipulation Board</a>
brandon i have no idea what happened to your account. go ahead and sign back up. if i find your username somewhere ill fix it back up with yoru post count and all.
after you sign back up pm me what u think yoru cd bucks might have been

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
That really sucks. Nate if theres anything I can do to help you out with getting it back in order let me know.
Dude no offense, but its your own fault, it was only a matter of time before it happened. This was a worm that came out in December (look up the Sanity worm) and was an exploit of some bugs in phpbb. You should have upgraded your phpbb code months ago to prevent it. I hope you at least upgraded this time otherwise you are going to be hacked again.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about
the former." - Albert Einstein
in the post titled "????" that isnt currently viewable at CD i posted in your nearly exact words.
it was %100 my fault and i already told everyone that on CD. i have known about the bug in phpbb 2.0.10 since it was found in december.
However, Due to my life's recent obligations i have not been provided with the kind of time to do the upgrade. i work over full time hours plus go to school as well as a bunch of family members health and care issues that have been VERY hard on me and stressfull.
The upgrade to my site would have taken DAYS of modding to complete due to the high amount of custom mods done to the code. It should have and needed to be done, but as I explained above I just couldn’t do it, and I DO regret it VERY much and I apologize to EVERYONE
all of my image manipulation interests are done in the very few hours i get here and there late at night. and frankly i think i have done a pretty good job doing everything i have done with my site considering the TREMENDOUS stress and obligations I have been under. 90+ members 3000+ posts within UNDER 3 months of the site being up, and no advertising besides my sig chris’s sig and brandons sig on here. And my sig on 1 other car forum.
I explained all this to everyone at CD and was truly touched.
Everyone at CD is %100 understanding of the whole situation. And has been SUPER nice to me and back me up big time. It REALLY meant a lot to me. Makes me proud to be around them all.
To the regular crew at CD id like to say thank you. Thank you for being who you guys are. A group of people that are all extremely nice understanding talented helping and honorable. I am truly honered to have ALL of you on my site.
And again I apologize for all of this. Any free time I have is going to updating and getting back as much information as I can.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
u do a awsome job Nate, keep up the great work !!!