grr, im having problems with the ecotec. i cant get that stupid plus out of the tranny to connect the wires. PLEASE for the love of god im me so you can tell me how to get it out. its driving me nuts
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04. Click sig for Cardomain.
do you mean the plug dude ? if so you need to squeeze the two sides and wiggle it back from the tranny as you do. after its loose its tits. err thats didn't sound right.
i did mine while still connected a little more of a challenge but not tobad

04 sunfire auto 16.3@82.5.................for now
also, im using those blue wire taps that came with the kit, are they any good?
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04. Click sig for Cardomain.
Lunchbox wrote:also, im using those blue wire taps that came with the kit, are they any good?
Yeah thier fine...its a bitch to get it on tho. Its in such a bad spot.
i honestly perfer the heat shrink but connectors , having been a GM tech
they are a GM approved wire repair
ive always had odd problems using the style connectors they supply with it
man, it was a bitch to get on. i had my friend john(the under dogs on top) help me with it. there was NO space to work with. it didnt seem to work at first. we took it out and stage two doesnt seem that strong. stage one was booking. is it supose to be like that?
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04. Click sig for Cardomain.
when you switch it the car as to be off
and check your connections again
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM cav sedan™)]when you switch it the car as to be off
and check your connections again
I found you can also put it in park. But remeber you can only go up in stages while the car is on. You can go from stock to 1 or 2...but you cant go back down. Gotta turn the car off.
You can turn it on while you're driving around, mine usually takes a few seconds to actually kick on, usually after a couple shifts, but to turn it off you have to shut the car off.
I have an 04 auto ecotec and will probably get this item. I just want to make sure its something that if removed will make it seem like its never been there. When I take my car in for some warranty issues next month, I want to take off the shift plus and put my stock intake back on. So afraid of them screwing me over on the warranty. What kind of connectors should I use that can be easily removed when needed? Thanks guys!
They will never be able to tell it was there. The best way to make the connection is to go buy a $5 soldering iron. Then if you need to take it off just cut the shiftplus wires and tape up the tranny wires.
so your tell me this is going to make my car feel like my IAT sensor is messed up where it said tarc off and shifted really hard?
pretty much, but it actually has improved shifting, not just a messed up shift lol....
Well I didnt put it on myself, I had to pay someone $20 to put in for me. But damn I love this thing, oh my "trac off" light doesnt come on when its on the 1st level unless I give it a lil gas.
how can you tell if you installed it right? I did just as little bills pictures said I don't get any lights though when i floor it all the way until it shifts by itsself it goes back to that about the right range for it being on stage 1? I have a 2.2 ecotec.
i think i got it now. very good info, but just one question...
so, the kit has two ends: the switch end and the end that hooks up to the plug in the tranny? and i splice in the red and black wire into the tap splices you mentioned?
that would be correct its pretty straight forward
ok, what the hell. ive had it installed for 2 months with no problems. because i have a 1/2 hour comute to work, i keep it on stock(center) for the drive there and back. im on the parkway and not only does the trac off light come on, but the abs and service lights too. does anyone know what caused this.
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04.
did you use the clips for the installation, or did you solder them in? this is important.
theyre soldered in
One of the few, one of the proud, one of the Jersey J's. 6-14-04.
Cinny wrote:did you use the clips for the installation, or did you solder them in? this is important.
i was going to use the clips, is that ok?? or should i solder them in?
What about the whole drilling through the firewall thing? where did everyone drill their holes because I found the PCM and everything but its just the drilling of the hole i'm kinda iffy about, especially since my parents still drive my car occasionally. I know for a fact if I told them I had to drill through the firewall they would flip, and I know most of you would say not to tell them but i'm just not like that. Any help is greatly appreciated.
easy way no drilling. use a wire coat hanger make a small tight loop on the end, like a needle for sewing. push it through the grey rubber seal in the fire wall from the engine bay. from inside the car put tthewire in the hole you made in the wire. pull it in through to the engine bay. wire it up and your done.