After over three years my lugs are looking like serious crap, the chrome finish is jut chipping away from taking the lugs on and off. and I was wonder if there were any companies out there that made black lug nuts and Wheel locks? Also to anyone with colored lugs how do they hold up as far as when you are tightening and untightening?

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
Doesn't McGard have a complete black set?
<img src=""></img>
thoughthardtocomeupwiththis wrote:Doesn't McGard have a complete black set?
Yep. Check my pics. I've got it.
^^ yup i just ordered a set today
Wild Weasel,
How do they hold up as far as after you take them off and on a few times? My chrome ones chipped after the third time.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
I've had them for a few years now and they still look good. They don't look new... but I don't look at them and feel like I need to replace them or anything.
Yea my mcgard spline drive black with locks is on its way!
I have the same set of McGard's. Like $80 shipped from Summit. I've had my wheels tires rotated a couple times, plus a lot of off and on work with the lugs. They're holding up great. Any spots of wear are showing up as a slight bronzing in heavy friction areas. These are definitely a good investment.
"The J's weren't designed to be sports cars, the suspension sucks, the brakes are tiny, and the target market for our car doesn't need to be able to do any more than 65mph." - Shifted
A more accurate observation has never been typed. These should be the starting points before any serious performance modification. What's the point of making a serious performer if you can't control it's power?