Everyone knows what my car looks like so I dont think a pic would help. I need help with some rims......
19" Konig Holes (Graphite w/ polished lip)
19" Axis Hagens (Chrome
I know its up to me in the en but I thought I'd get some opinions.....

<b>APlusperformance.com January 2005 Ride Of The Month
Sponsored by APlusPerformance.com</b>
hagens. i cant remember but if you have a cf hood or trunk lid or anything, then i would get the holes. if its just blue like in the sig get the hagens
Both of these would be sick on your ride!
I love the Tuner 2's & they come in 19's and 20's!!!

Or the Konig Profils
One thing I've found out since i got my 19's is that the 19's that the spoke goes allt he way to the edge like the hagens...Look bigger than the 19's with a lip...(at times)

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
I vote for the Konig Profile....
If it were down to the holes and the hagens...I would go with the Hagens...

www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
i go with hagens.
Ryan - get back to me ( check your e-mail

It seems to me that of all the people running 19's... most have the Hagens. Maybe they were the only 19's available for our cars for a while or something but they're like the MR7's of 19's.
I'd go with the Holes. Those look sweet.
-=Motegi mr7 chrome 17'' for sale 1000$(canadian) +shipping e-mail me=-
holes that are gunmetal would look awesome i think. those profiles are amazing looking though ive never seen them

LiLiNoRe (Live Life No Regrets)
`as of yesterday, I ordered the Holes...
thanx for the opinions guys!!

<b>APlusperformance.com January 2005 Ride Of The Month
Sponsored by APlusPerformance.com</b>