alright im in the process of ordering new wheels that will come with new tires... but heres the problem; they wont be here for probably 2 weeks or so, and my steelies have 2 tires on them that are sooo bald you can start to see the metal lining inside the tire. now they were on the fronts, so i changed them to the backs so they wouldnt wear quite so much, but do i need to fork out money for 2 tires for the steelies just to hold me over till the new wheels get here? or do you think they'll make it a few weeks? i dont want to spend money i dont have to, but at the same time i dont want the tires to straight up blow out on me.
omg you dont need expert advice on that one, if you want for your tires to blow on you and @!#$ up your body kit then leave the bald tires on, they most likely wont blow but if you go over 60mph they will more than likely peel like an orange and you will be riding on the steel wires which is bad enough, just buy 2 used tires, if you dont then you will suffer the consequences. GL
if you have extra money, replace them. you probably can get 2 for 110 brand new. they dont have to be the best tires since their coming off in 2 weeks. if you dont have the money get used tires for like 10 bucks each to hold you over
buy used tires

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Can you find a place with some winter tires still in stock?
Get a pair of winter tires and use them for the next couple weeks until the new ones come. Then put them away until next year.
Viper98912 wrote:buy used tires
EXACTLY you can probably find some used ones for like $20 a piece or so
but before that, put them back on the front and do some spark-shooting burnouts

and take pictures too
well my wheels should be here monday or tuesday... little earlier than i expected. so im going to try to use the car as little as possible till then and hope for the best. if i can find some good used tires i might go ahead and get them tho. the biggest reason im concerned about blowing the tires is because my car is so low, plus the type j skirts sit low, so if my tires went so flat that i was sitting on the steelie than id have a hell of a time trying to get a jack under the car.
Ya two snow's would be a good idea... IF you can find someone that still has any. I know I sent ours back about 2 months ago. But there might be some places around that still have a few sets here and their. Then you will be good for next winter, but if you don't drive it in the winter, just get two used ones, Hell you can probally get two used ones ON steelies from the wreckers for like $50 total. lol. And if you trade them your steelies and bald tires for thier tires, you might only have to pay like $10 or less.
Worth a shot.

Draggin' That A**
i just bought new tires from tire rack. i got the kumho powerstars and i love them the are good tires.they ran me $35 a piece and $15.07 for the shipping and handling and it cam out to like $86 all together.