yea this sound pretty stupid but.. i was puttin on my new rims and i broke a lug nut and they are tuner lugs and i really dont have any space to take it out !i was turnin the nut and half cracked off and half is stilll stuck in there ! i was hopin i dont have to take the whole hub assebly..i wanna install my tein springs!!!i cant cause i cant take the tire off...but does any have an idea as in how to take it out. please help me out!!!
is it still threaded on or did you force it on and it didnt go on straight causing it to break? if its threaded on the lug bolt, even though half it broke off, you should still be able to put the key on the lug to get it out. the threads should still work. if its stuck, then you probably messed up the thread on the lug bolt. you may have to replace that too when you take the lug off
well its like a star lug nut right... well i try'd to use the key but i couldnt get a good grip wat happend was i was using a big rachet and i was usin like a pipe so i can get some leverage and i guess i did it too much
ill try get a pick so i can show u... but i really need help BaggedCav98 !! lol
if its driveable, take it to a tire shop. they can get it off. thats what i did when my key broke off in my lug
Nexgen Cavy wrote:well its like a star lug nut right... well i try'd to use the key but i couldnt get a good grip wat happend was i was using a big rachet and i was usin like a pipe so i can get some leverage and i guess i did it too much
ill try get a pick so i can show u... but i really need help BaggedCav98 !! lol
WTF? Did you use a torque wrench when you put them on? There's no way in hell you should ever need that sort of leverage on a lug nut!
yea i kno it was real stupid of me but i got my new rims didnt want to f*** them up... well is there any way i can take it out? i got the pics rite now ...problem is i dont kno how to post them....sorry.... but thanxz for the replies!!
wow that broke off real deep in. if the key wont grip it, then your only other choice is go to a tire shop. they can get it off. it should be fine to get there but dont drive far until you get it fixed
how much u think it will cost for my stupidity?
yea!!! i got out they kinda f**cked up my rim ...
but they charged me 15 for it.... i put one 3 tiens springs on so far lol i need to put the left front... thanxz BaggedCav and t man!! you too wild wiesel!!