I finally got this fix at the dealership cost me $500 with labor to get this done. I'm glad I got it over with it was annoying hearing the rattle sound and ebarassing with people would ride with me
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/ricanz24/Z24.jpg">
why wouldnt you just buy a new dash? wud have been cheaper
How much cheaper? The dash itself cost $250 and there was no way I was going to spend all day trying to put it in myself
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/ricanz24/Z24.jpg">
I would have got a strip of charcoal vinyl and set it in over the broken area. Some foam pieces in the right spots should take care of any rattles.
dash swap wasn't that hard for my car lol
1998 Chevrolet Cavalier
500 beans?! i never would have paid that much for a stupid crack.
I got one big crack and two small ones, and I'm still not going to pay that much, but I do my own work also, so it would probably be a @!#$load cheaper...
I have two cracks and there is no way I would pay $500 either! I'm going to take mine apart and glue it back together, put some extra support on the back side and then sand/primer/paint it black.
I figure 4 hrs of total work, and some waiting.
mine hasnt cracked yet but you can pull one out of a junkyard for like 40 bucks and it takes about 20 mintues to install a dash
it does not take 20 minutes to install the undercarriage dash thats an all day event.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/ricanz24/Z24.jpg">
Hey ricanZ24 aim me at shdwz24.
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"The day is coming when the J's shall rise and conquer all that stand before them."
why not just glass it???? cheaper, fix the cracks and if you do it right looks incredible
Glass it? Never heard of that. Maybe for you it took 1.5-2 hours to do something like that but for me I haven't took anything like that apart and I'm going to take my time so i don't damage anything if I had time on my hands which I never do
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/ricanz24/Z24.jpg">
by glassing it, you remove it, over a period you rip the vinyl off and fiberglass the dash, sand, bondo paint, gives a nice smooth look and a nice tough dash that wont crack under less than extreme conditions.
(many 2nd genners have done this along with a few having done the headliner)