anyone have one for a coupe they are trying to get rid of? I'm putting power windows in my fire and i was looking to have it look like the stock setup. Thanks
check the juck yards
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true."
i got one and it even came out of a sunfire
its just the switch tho want it let me know
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
I just got one from my grandpas auto wrecking yard for free, its the 03+ cavalier coupe switch consol. I'm planning on going back to grab the fog lights off the same car.
thats what i got
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
How difficult is it to wire the SPAL kit to the stock switch unit, I got the plug harness thing out of the stock car so hopefully that will make it easier. Is it just color coirdinated from there? I think there is like 5 wires. ALso, will the one touch auto down function still work?
as far as what wires go where im not sure but the auto down will still work its built into the switch
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
Mike wrote:How difficult is it to wire the SPAL kit to the stock switch unit, I got the plug harness thing out of the stock car so hopefully that will make it easier. Is it just color coirdinated from there? I think there is like 5 wires. ALso, will the one touch auto down function still work?
i ordered the spal kit. if u figured how to hook it up with the stock switches let me know plz.
If by chance I was lucky enough to scavenge all the stock power window parts, how would I wire it?
The same way its wired in the parts car, Id say....same colors to same colors
I have a switch w/ bezel from a sunfire. also has about 5" of stock wiring. if you're interested in it