Got these caps from MRZ Performance - they are beautiful, excellent work.
I got them anodized in blue and it was not exactly the color I was hoping for (a little dark for my car but he did a great job on the anodizing) so I took them one step further and got them powdercoated. These are gonna look SWEET with the valve cover paint job I'll be getting back tomorrw in the same color.
Centers are real carbon fiber with chrome vinyl icons I designed. I am WAY too embarassed to tell anyone how much I ended up paying for these but hopefully it will all come together and win me some kind of engine bay award.
More pics when I get my v/c put in.
VERY nice!
I like the Blue with CF. Would look good in my engine bay... ya better watch your hood latch around me
oooo pretty
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
man good job lookd very nice
Thanks guys
I put them in today but I'm gonna wait til I have the matching valve cover before taking any more pics
booo , booooooooooooo
take pics now , take pics now !!
those look pretty sweet
Ya I like and want
were they really that much?
I'll go ahead and confess that I did indeed pay the sum of nearly 400 dollars for them.
Worth it? perhaps not, but we'll see once I start hitting the shows.
It would have been less but I changed my mind on the color so they would match my valve cover.
I figure its worth it just being able to tell people you spent that on engine caps alone. They'll either be impressed or think you're an ass...
WOW thats alot but I personally dont care if its something I want
but wow