I guess I'll follow the lead. I dont have a ton of pics since the car is only going on 2 years old, but it has had a few changes
A special thanks goes to my wife, Emily (HotGAGT), my parents, Cheeter, Scott, Paul, Andy and Jimmy from Full Throttle for their help, my sponsors Stewart Warner and Winks, Pete at Speedway Performance EVERYONE else that has played a part in making this car what it is. And we aren't done, yet!
August 2003 - Bone Stock:
Sep./Oct. 2003 - Air Ride, Wing, Rims and Exhaust:
January 2004 - Front End Conversion:
February 2004 - Eyelids Added:
March 2004 - Lambos Done:
July 2004 - Motor Work:
August 2004 - 1 Year Birthday! Phase 1 Debut:
And a recent pic of one of my changes for 05

Looks hot with that cavi front...love it
Excuse me for a second I just made a mess..
Absolutely love it, car has and always will be hot!
love that car! LOVE IT! i'm glad i had the chance to c it in person....hope to c it at a cruise in when the rhd is done...keep up the great work
and all of us at Full Throttle appreciate being a part of this project it really has come a long way in a short amount of time Josh and getting better everyday
lookin good josh.................just lemme know if ya need me to come over and step in the oil bucket again

I'm that turbo V8 guy.....
I love it, and still cant wait to see it done!!
Sweet. It has came a long way.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
And thanks to Cavislo with the help on the motor work.... Where are those pics from when you dumped the oil? lol

You know my thoughts..... gorgeous.... Im still faster though..... See ya soon man.
<img src="http://img96.exs.cx/img96/3606/okay.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" />
You have done a lot of work! Seriously can't wait to see it done.
- Darren
<img src="http://phewes.snowpants.org/sig2005.jpg" alt="get off my sig!!">
Clay wrote:
You know my thoughts..... gorgeous.... Im still faster though..... See ya soon man.
gimme till summer i got some competition for ya
O3 CavFire: ask paul he probly has them lol

I'm that turbo V8 guy.....
Going to be the Hottest J the org will see once its finished. RHD are you kidding me!? Hah..Thats just awesome man, nice work on the whole car!
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Geeds has helped too.
Cavislo: I hope he does... we need to post the pic of the bag leg...
It's defenitly come along way, looking good as always! Can't wait to see it all finished...or will it ever be?
I see my old Z parked next to your car in this picture
this pic???

If anyone wants high res for photoshopping and insulting purposes...email me.
gee.....................i wonder why i have a bagg on my leg hmmmmmmmmm

I'm that turbo V8 guy.....
In the 3rd picture, is that a toyota truck with chrome grand am rims on it?
Big-L (Luc)

'04 Sunfire SL
Ottawa's premier car and lifestyle event!
lol, yes, that is a Taco with Em's stock rims..... Nice catch.
Erin, I wont get the email til I get home. Wanna email me at work? Or IM me on AOL: o3cavfire...
pure and utter crap what a waste
nice but damn yoiu for not giving me the fire front end
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
any one that would cut apart a 2003 sunfire like that is a complete tool.... what a waste...
i think it looks preatty damn sweet