It's such a shame to see a car like that get beat up by someone who obviously doesn't value it. Probably a "mommy and daddy special"
Looks fine to me. Crack in the bumper, oh well. It can be fixed. Still looks pretty sweet.
is that BAND AIDS hes using to hold the bumper together? HAHA!!! talk about a ghetto rig!!
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
lundis wrote:is that BAND AIDS hes using to hold the bumper together? HAHA!!! talk about a ghetto rig!!
oh my god it is i just thought it was a horrible bondo jod or something wow thats horrible
I think it was in that shape when he sold it to be honest.
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...Oh no I'm a big bad fake moderator...[
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It is sad that the kid messed up the front lip that was made for it. I remember the old pic's of it when the kid messed up that front. I can't remember what he paid for it, but I think it was like 10 maybe. Does anyone know?
yeah it's looking a little rough...nothing a little TLC wouldn't fix tho. how far is zanesville from cincinnati?
Man that is one sweet ride! Gary put everything he had into that ride. I loved watching it take shape from day one! I wish that car the best.
I'd almost drive the 40 minutes just to see the band aids.
shes a real hottie by the way..
<img src="">
your girl... hehehe

Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:shes a real hottie by the way..
<img src="">
your girl... hehehe
HAHAHA i was waiting for that and it figures dave pointed it out
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
so am i the ONLY one who doesnt like this car? i mean come'on, you people hate stickers on EVERYONE elses car but not this one? personally i think its pretty ugly... but who am i to say....
Now Blazing: Purple Indica
Solidsnake wrote:so am i the ONLY one who doesnt like this car? i mean come'on, you people hate stickers on EVERYONE elses car but not this one? personally i think its pretty ugly... but who am i to say....
No one really asked if you like it.......
And no I dont care for, I don't care for most of the cars on this website, it doesn't mean I go around saying your car looks like butt.
Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:shes a real hottie by the way..
your girl... hehehe
lol thanks. i honestly didnt even notice she got in that pic. she'll be doing hotbodies again this year.
as for the bandaids, they arent real bandaids. they're those stickers from like autozone or pepboys that look like bandaids that are meant to hold stuff together like tape. they were seriously holding that bumper together.
cinci is a couple hours away from zanesville. you'd have to come up through dayton and columbus on 70. its about 40 minutes east of columbus off 70.
I agree with geeds on leaving it on that corner like that. it had the headunit and dash-tv and everything still in it. nobody around to watch the car. im surprised nobody touched it. although around maple ave. its just a bunch of ricerockets driving up and down the streets all night, so its not a bad place to advertise the car. maple ave. is the only street people with modded cars in zanesville go, so it seems like theres a thousand modded cars in zanesville b/c they're always on the same street.
the funny thing is; i always loved the car despite the graphics before. but seeing it in person; the graphics really do take away from the car. especially the vinyl decals. there are way too many vinyl decals on the car. for some reason in pictures it never bothered me, but in person its an eyesore.
as for the "mommy and daddy special" comment... you're probably right. i would bet money on it. in fact, there are MANY heavily modded cars in zanesville that are "mommy and daddy specials". there is a metallic green civic (similar to the color of ERODs cav) with full kit, carbon everything, gloss black 19s, and tons of other stuff done to it that somebody drove out of state to go buy and bring back to zanesville to drive around and show it off as his own work. its not an uncommon thing to do around here. kind of sad really. im a strong believer in doing your own work.
The same dude also bought Laverty's cav and is now selling it on e bay.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Shame shame...
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
My last car was sold as a "mommy and daddy special" as u call it, but the chicks daddy had 4300 bucks cash in hand, so i could care less, i moved on and bought my cav. lol
On the other have other fingers.

THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
Thats more than Gary sold it to Chad for. When he sold it there was nothing wrong with any of the bumpers or anything.
You just got smoked by a rental car!
9.9 @ 69mph 1/8th-Only Mods I/E
00 Z24
I posted in another thread about this car...
This is the EXACT same condition I said it was in because I saw it when I drove to pick up my right hand drive parts in W. Virginia. It was sitting in a mall parking lot and Cheeter and I both did a double take at the band aids... lol
thats not the condition the car was in when ox owned it. he sold it to someone in WV (also got lavs car too). then the kid sold ox's car and now its in zanesville. that really sucks because it used to look really nice and in pics it still does, but in person im sure its terrible
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