here they are as promissed... pics of my exhaust system. i have the ractive muffler i got from street sports for 130 bucks and i had the system installed at exhaust pro off winchester road in lexington. they charged me 150 to replace the pipe from resinator back to 2.25 pipe and to install the muff. i think they did a excelent job and i like it.. i love the sound.. its just what i was looking for... but on to the pics...
here is the pipe going into the resinator.
next are the pics of my newest toy...
whats this.... is that nitromethane i smell

why yes... yes that is nitromethane...
what do i have that runs on nitromethane????
this is what...
this thing is awsome.. its about 16 inches long and can do 40 mph easily... its my new toy....
cool man, sits in there very nicely
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
nice man, I had an HPI but broke it
and also had a 40mph xmod =)
sweet man, same rims like i have, just havnt got em on my car yet. Looks awesome.
i dont like that tip style, but wutever hard to notice
it looks great man
nice man! i just broke out my Team Losi XXX-NT a little while ago. My mach 15 was blown, so i just bought the same motor you have in there. Bring it to the Bash n we can race. My friend is bringin his also.
Exhaust looks great! I have a nitro truck also, traxxas nitro hawk, its broke right now and impossible to find parts for, older models suck when trying to get replacement parts
Sweet, theres a funny arse vid floating around of this sweet RC hauling butt, it hits a ramp and flies over a 2 story house then SMACKS the pavement, body goes flying off but the thing keeps on driving lol
I want one but what do they run 400? that sounds like rim $ to me at the moment.
Ryan McMillen: whats the model name of the rims? are yours american racing? i have tried and tried to find the model name of them without luck.
Neto PR: yea that the thing about owning these... very easy to break... i had mine for 2 days and broke a axle.. lol... and 40 mph xmod :O holy crap....
GaRsNoW: Team losi cars are pretty nice... and sure will bring it to the bash..... i cant wait..
red03ecotec: yea if you have a old one its hard to find... i love my truck its the team assoiated rc10GT and i can get parts glore for it....
SpyderWizard: and yes total for my truck i paid 375 bucks so your estimate was close.... trust me if you drive one.... you will want one....
thanks guys for the comments guys..... keep em coming....
yes lets have a rc race at the bash my mini t will own all
nice by the way but im not really into the tip
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
yea i only wanted it for the price... i paid 130 for it and its almost 200 new so i got a deal on it. i was worreid how it would look and sound but i am inpresssed so far. i first wanted one with a smaller tip but thats all they had so i said what the hell...