nice. i likey
Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04
you put a lot of work into that car... props man.
thanks guys. Here is a pic of the poster in case anyone hasn't seen it. I just recieved the poster today. It looks pretty hot.
Looks great man!
So was it a company that took the pictures and location and everything??
Looks good man!
Do u have the high-resolution version of those... pictures /
wow, amazing, i realy love it, that color or any other shade of similar greens never did it for me, but my god everything else done to that car completely makes me not even care about the color at all!! those pics came out awesome! you put a ton of work into it, makes me wonder whats next, changing anything up? i almost wanna suggest the molded eyelids, i love em on the sunfires, but your cars got its own look without em, not necesary realy
On the other have other fingers.

THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
nice... who/how did the poster get done?
Tredici wrote:ive seen hotter girls
but its a sweet ride
did he say he had the hottest girl on the planet? he said she was a cutie...and...AGREED! LOL
Very nice...oh, and the car too
she's a cutie
nice car
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
I think its the only car that can pull off that bumper. I love it!
Tredici wrote:ive seen hotter girls
but its a sweet ride
You're an idiot.
Nice Pics man! great location, that poster turned out great.
<Img src="">
Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
Thanks for the good comments.
I had the poster done from a friend of mine that has a company in Miami called INPhotos. I think he did a damn fine job.
I am asking $15,000 obo for my car.
I think the girl is pretty hot, but I didn't say she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
This is probably my last post with pics so keep the comments coming.
shes cute...but her calfs are huge lol...must be a gymnast or something
i want the poster lol
<a href="" target="new"><img src=""border="0"></a>
looks pretty nice man. i like the airbrush work. def a nice touch how its carried into the interior. keep it up
<img src="">
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Thanks everyone. I love the airbrush job on my car. I have no idea how he lined up the dash with the hood, but it is lined up perfectly.
There was a car in that picture? Where?.........Nice work man
that car would be absolutly perfect if the seats matched the interior and the front bumper was a streetfire or cunyard front.
02on19s wrote:Looks great man!
Do u have the high-resolution version of those... pictures
? /