well the long awaited Video is completed.. after some little issue i was having with my Puta( computer) i finally fixed it up and got it done. so
Here she is....
meh... not very good... nothing exciting..
Daytona Blue, Cavalier Coupe, 2.2L I4OHV
thats great man. i wish someone here on the west would want to put something like that together. looks like allot of fun.
wish I could make a video and upload it, only have Dial Up, so not any time soon.
damnit why do i feel left out lol
let me know when your doing the next one man we can get some of the satchmobile version 2.0
You had better get in touch with me for the next installment.......
or I'll come steal you knickers.
Not bad. I like it.
I'll have a sig someday....................
NateDoGG wrote:meh... not very good... nothing exciting..
okay thanks, what did you not find very good? or what excitement would you think shall make this compilation for enjoyable to you???
QBE (73H 800573D 0N3) wrote:NICE
Thanks phil..
IZN TRBL wrote:thats great man. i wish someone here on the west would want to put something like that together. looks like allot of fun.
It was tons of fun..to put together.. who knows maybe someone would...
i do it to practice my editing and storyline... skills
im go to school to learn to be a communication and media arts speacialist..
my only thing is that i like alot of the conventional edits..
James (ROLN19S) (JuicyJ) wrote:wish I could make a video and upload it, only have Dial Up, so not any time soon.
Sounds like a problem.. stop spending money on your car and spend it on yourself.. lol
just kidding james thanks for the comment!
I SATCHMOE YOU!!!! wrote:damnit why do i feel left out lol
let me know when your doing the next one man we can get some of the satchmobile version 2.0
I will but you gotta give me good footage... LOL
Luv ya jeffie....!
Kase wrote:cool![](/global/images/emoticons/jbo.gif)
thanks kase, next time send me some footage of that sexy ass RIDE!
James Cahill wrote:You had better get in touch with me for the next installment.......
or I'll come steal you knickers.
I will cause you know i love 2nd gen...
haha, dude gime ur addy so i can send you the $20 i owe you!
yea dave count me in for the next one too....
1st 1st gen on air.....
Definately abby.. i think ur 1st gen is Sex!
awesome, wut proggy did u make that with?
ur video skills (from ur segment) are really sweet
ehh it felt like the movie was one big intro really. Just a bunch of teaser clips of car. Lets see the cars on a dyno, lets see them burning out, lets watch the needles climb, show some engine shots, more hard excelleration.
I just felt like almost every other clip was a car driving slowly towards me, away from me, or just kinda pointless shots of cars that didnt show the whole car or not angled well enough.
Nice job with the editing though, but i wouldnt call them "The next wave of tuners" since they dont even make cavaliers and sunfires anymore.
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
I like it! Can't wait for part 3
just because you put it on putfile.com its not worth me watching... sorry i hate watching moives from there... they take FOR EVER to load and most of the time it never loads fully..... find another plase to put the file and i willl watch... sorry
-JaysonZ24- wrote:ehh it felt like the movie was one big intro really. Just a bunch of teaser clips of car. Lets see the cars on a dyno, lets see them burning out, lets watch the needles climb, show some engine shots, more hard excelleration.
I just felt like almost every other clip was a car driving slowly towards me, away from me, or just kinda pointless shots of cars that didnt show the whole car or not angled well enough.
Nice job with the editing though, but i wouldnt call them "The next wave of tuners" since they dont even make cavaliers and sunfires anymore.
I totally understand what ur saying.. and i wanted to but the major problem is that i realied on the members video submissions.. and noone really submitted any engine bay, needle pining, burnouts of there car, or hard shifting. diping or lane changing.
thne i would add them thanks for the comment it helps.
SLO CAV (the slo one) wrote:just because you put it on putfile.com its not worth me watching... sorry i hate watching moives from there... they take FOR EVER to load and most of the time it never loads fully..... find another plase to put the file and i willl watch... sorry
i will try to load it up to another server which one works for you?
I like it ...... but now that I got a camcorder ... I'll have to be in the next one ..... if we get anoher dry day that is ...
Sweet vid. I would LOVE to take my car on a closed road coarse and just fly. Can't wait for part 3!
dirty elf wrote:awesome, wut proggy did u make that with?
ur video skills (from ur segment) are really sweet
thanks for the comment... i really wanted to put it together...
i used window movie maker to make the movie..
bout damn time dave
any chance ill be in the 3rd one too
ill do a burnout vid, inside vids, or some new vids for ya if ya want. The vid was a good watch, i like ur section of u driving around.. i might have to do something like that
i finally said f-it.. and its the best edinting i have ever really done , well in my segment...
and that would be awesome Mantza Z
nice i thought it was a cool vid! more action would be sweet tho! editing was deffinatly nice.
any site besides putfile.com or streetfire.net works for me..... if you can make it downloadable would be prefered....