Well as it turns out, my car is lower than a the top of a tailgate on a 2000 Chevy Silverado.
Luckily, it happened hear at the dealership, and of all people, it was the used car manager that did it. And of all trucks, it was the truck that the painted had just traded in. But he came and told me right after it happened, and said he'd pay me to fix it, and he gave me the truck to drive around until then.
That was Friday, so today, I had some spare time to tinker with it, and wouldn't you know it, I just happened to have my camera, and thought I'd do a little fiberglass repair 101.
If you want to get ahead in the game, you gotta grind son!
Little bit of masking tape, little bit of cardboard, little bit of this, little bit of that, you can get with this, or you can get with that..
Its all in the mix people, just gotta put the proper amount of hardener and you're good to go. Just make sure that you soak that mat like a sponge.
Once hardened, peal to reveal your new you.
Don't let that fame get you playboy, you still gotta stay on the grind.
Puddy time. (not my best spread, it started to dry on me)
And last but not least, sand as much as you can until you call it a night. (I thought this was a cool pic, all fun to drive
-- John
WOW...... that sucks. but at least you have a cense of humor about it. hope everything gets fixed soon i love your car!
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
damn! i saw the first pic and knew it was your car right away and was like NOOOOOO! good to see its getting taken care of immediately. Love the last pic. Must be nice. lol.
Now if only you can break some tabs on those viper headlights.....
Thanks for the sig, Blakout.
thats a shame, i love your car........but im glad he's paying for it
i...wish....i....knew...how......tooo.....glass....but seriously thats just not right, poor car....but hmmm it looks like a b*tch....she looks like she can take more pain than that....
That first picture made me want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish i was better with fiberglass my lip would be made faster
btw everything you do is awesome
thats sucs major balls
funniest how-to ever!!
that sucks hard but you obviously know what youre doin....
Very nicely written Master P.
Holla atcha boi.
I just got the @!#$ beat outta my front end today by some jack ass and a truck full of hay bails. @!#$ almost made me oyyci, and seasonsz24 hit each other.. err im pissed.
all can be fixed though and yours is looking better
i love the step by step instructions
glad to see everything is being taken care of for you, and that the manager came to tell you asap.
So what did you do with the money that the manager gave you? lol used it to by fiberglass materials? Or pocketed it?
Nice fix btw
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I'd sell my soul to have your car.
Glad to see it comming back to normal.
I wish I knew how to fiberglass like that...
**changes are here**
This is both the best and worst thread ever at the same time! Hate to see the car hurt, but damn, I was cracking up reading it, and nice work man! Car looks hella hot as always, even wrecked!
sucks that it happened , good thing he let you know
i hope you drilled out the ends of the cracks , or the cracks will come back
good luck with the fix and the repaint
Thats very sad
About you glassing wont resin eat throw cardboard
wow! that sucks man. nice work on the fix. im assuming you work at the dealer where he hit you. hope you make out with some pocket cash.
Sucks to hear John...Im just glad its a pretty easy fix
P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
nice repair job man
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005