wow, so i was suprised and a little worried about this mod off ebay.
i bought the antenna but its for gm corvette and i am EXTREAMLY happy wwith the results
going from 31" to 8" is a huge diferent and it litterealy jsut took me unscrewing the old one at the base and screwing the gm oem one back in its place
i didnt even loose radio reception.
nice, i too was skeptical about this on ebay. now im gonna get me one
not a bad deal for how cheap it was.
thanks guys believe me 1/4 the length of the old one is nice i am loving it.
i dodnt see anything shaved
shortened maybe , but not shaved
also you wont notice the loss or reciption , tell your in areas farther away from the stations transmitter , or in spots where the signals are blocked by tall buldings
Looks good, they have similar ones at pepboys.
wow that actually looks real nice, works on cavs as well? can you provide a link?
id put money on it working on all gm cars with antenas like us

98' Pontiac Sunfire SE
nice... i just cut one of those with the spring thing in the middle of it with a dremell tool

hhehehe i dont listen to the radio anyway so no loss for me HEHE
sorry i didnt mean to say shaved haha. yes it will work with any cavy jsut unscrew he stock one at the base and this one screws right on if you buy the gm one. ill try and get a few more pics once i do a day photoshooot with the new wheels and such.
you could have just gone to wallmart or partsource or something
Doublezed wrote:I just shaved mine all together.....XM radio is great lol
yup yup

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Gotta get me one of those now! Thanks for contributing to me spending more money!

haha no pro blem i ahve had that problem the last few weeks as well.
I bought a $13 window antenna at checkers and installed it...actually got better reception than stock!
ordered mine a week ago, it should be here soon
thanks for making me blow my money