muahaha so I decided to take a few more pics as more goodies roll in...

ahh soo much more coming I love it
Engine bay is looking good man
look like TYC tails? Am I correct? I picked up a set of the TYC from Aplus.
looks good KEN, saw the car at Night Shift and it looks amazing w/ those rims on it.
themarin8r wrote:youre a whore!

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
WOW thats scary that looks so much like my engine bay the only things that you do not have that are under mine are the radiator shroud, optima red top, and two breathers, and that your car is white.
I LIKE IT, great minds think alike
may i make sweet passionate love to ur engine bay?
Why cover the ECO? Never knew why anyone would wanna cover up such a beautiful engine?
My Myspace Page
cant wait to see some more updated pics Ken.
LOL about the whole covering the engine... Its bot that great looking and looks killer with the cover
Thanks yall more stuff on the way yippi