DAMN MAN i did the same thing on my fire just not that bad i did have to get a new rim tho and fiddle around with the fender to get it back in place sorry about you luck man get her fixed
( Time to upgrade your tires and suspension while your putting the car back together )
.JerseyKid. wrote:( Time to upgrade your tires and suspension while your putting the car back together )

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
im not lucky enough to beable to upgrade that kinda stuff , but itll give me the chance to put diff side skirts on it and the RK bumpers
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03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
2 things kept the car from being totaled today , the low miles that are on it and the fact that its an LS model with all the goodies ( pw, pl, p. sunroof, key less, wheels, ect.)
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500