looks like a good time, good luck at the show this weekend too man
man the J's are looking good!! drifting looks crazy! Chevelle looks sexy, just like your sisters hot friend!! that cooper is turning me on!! man! i wish there was car shows around where i live

but anyway looks like a Sh!t load of fun!
that green cavy actually looks pretty good from the side
Double A-Ron(dirty J) wrote:holy @!#$ i think that green cavy got a trans am spolier!!
looks like an mx-5 spoiler to me.
congrats poppa on the win. looks like a hell of an event.
that green cav would look good if it weren't green, lol. the stealth, poppa, and phewes cars all look hot. good job guys.
that xenon kit looks hideous, but the rest look amazing!!
Lookin sexy boys

"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
nice pics Darren mass confusion of a show first sat in the wrong line to sit in line again for 20 min lol, great show everything went great. I just got an email from Mark at PAS Mag the cars are also up on the webpage I also posted pics and a couple vids on the OF boards. Nice seeing you guys again I never got home till 1030 that night I love living in the middle of no where lol.
I'll keep you guys on the loop with the next shows etc. I wont be around much this week goign through the plans for next year already
Sweet pics Darren. Great time indeed.
I'm lucky that I actually made it to the gates of the show before my coolant cap decided to crap out on me, and leak everything all over the pavement. Thanks for the push guys
Darren, looks like I gota work this Saturday now, I can't make the CSCS show now
I like the Cooper.
But bewbs in the front and balls in the back......

How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
Justin, Holy @!#$ 10 30pm?! its good thing that your girl were with you to keep you company on the long trip! Great pics and vids too!
Vince, yeah you're lucky also after when the coolant crapped out on you and then you got in for free admission! lucky again lol

Sucks, u couldn't make it this weekend. Hopefully the show is still going to be good... about 5,000 people may attend?
Its good to see you both after for a long time. Great times! I hope to see you both again soon!
see'n all those J's together makes me sick to my stomach....sO jealous..AMAZIN LOOKIN CARS!!!!!!!
like every car there cept the green one, maybe if it were black, white, red, silver, anything but green perhaps
thats 19 pics.....
lovin the j's congrats big poppa

2000 Camaro V6.
| SLP Loudmouth | CAI Intake | HID's |
the cooper is dope!
congrats big poppa on the win.
all cars look good guys! wicked.

Portage, MI
The mini is Awesome..
That's a great set of J's your group has there. Must suck to compete against each other.
ya vince and I have been competing all year against eachother i think we are pretty well 50/50 on trophy count throughout the year. only 6 more shows to go

Dayum Darren, car is looking @!#$ SICK!
thanks guys.
It doesn't suck competeting against one another though. We're good friends, and who ever takes home a trophy, we're all happy for that person. Just chilling at the car shows with friends makes it worth the while.
haha yea Justin...about 50/50 now. Just like you said, only a few more left and thats it for the season..I can't wait...then the real work begins
Yeah Darren, I also heard that the show goes from 10am to midnight...very long if you ask me. and it's quite the drive too...well for me at least.
sweet pics man and congrats to big poppa ftw
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Good showing guys cars look great and for some odd reason i want to see better pics of the green cavy, anyone got any?

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
i love the xenon kit
looks great, guys keep it up