Well working on the carbon fiber stuff gets a little old after some time so i switched it up and started on something else. Wasnt gonna be a teaser but my camera loves eating batteries and this is the only shot (not even a good one) of my gas filler relocate. It's using the sparco cap, hadn't seen it done before so i thought it would be neat....
I'll get more pics soon, lemme know what you think!
that relocation spot is sweet, looks even better with the sparco door. why didnt i think of that...
yeh i plan to locate there.. but i love the idea of the sparco cap.. that looks badass.. i think mainly most dont use the sparco or mom or any kind diff cap is cuz its cheaper to just sand down a stock one lol
is it me or doesn't it look kinda like the top of a soda can
sweet relocate
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
yeah i think it looks like a soda can too... i also think it looks kick ass... i love this thread
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
it kinda does look like the top of a can lol, if anyone wants to trade locking for non locking sparco caps im down, as i dont need the lock on it since its under the trunk :-)
Yeah, I know whatcha mean Manta...would be alot easier just to do the stock. Taking some brain racking and fabrication to make this work just right. Would be pretty easy if i wanted the silver mounting ring on top, but 1. it doesnt fit and 2. would look goofy in there
and hopefully tomorrow Satch, to tired to get batteries now...sleepy time coming soon
Glad you guys like it!
Thats where me and stephens friend located too, I think its a great spot, if I ever do it, thats where I wanna go
In New Jersey that would be hilarious ... since we dont have to pump our own gas.
The attendant would be like "what the flip?"
Looks good , i want to see this car done!
