it is not any where close to being finished i just want to know what everyone thinks so far....
The scoop on the hood will eventually be connected to the intake for a "ram air" type setup. I know true ram air is hard to get it is more for show than anything else.
Ill hold my comments until paint
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
Big ass rear bumper, out of place hole in hood, rigged up intake, purple cam cover.
Yeah I really don't like one bit of it. Pretty much a destroyed 5 speed LS Sport.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:48 PM
I have to agree with seasons Z on this one. sorry man you are the next american ricer........ lol

Ever one lives 1 page at a time, some stories are longer than others. R.I.P to one of my many best friends. Keep all the tuners safe. See you soon, Love ya man.
sorry Im really not feeling the car in any way

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
So the hole in the hood is so you can re-fuel on your way to china..
i mean, ram air..
This is the biggest mess I seen for 2007.
I hope.
lol, pic 1 or 2 colors man, not 100 for your engine bay.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
I understand to stick with one color and go with is going through a major i said this isn't any where near done. the purple is going away i just havent had the time to take change it. it is all getting primered this weekend. it is going to be the same color yellow with a red pearl. i couldnt go with a traditional intake because of the box I am going to build. the front bumper was in an accident so i had to rebuild it. the headlights were in the same accident. they arent scratched they are fogged over from a bad re-seal. i am going to replace them.
thanks for the comments <~~~~~sarcasm, but its cool keep'em coming
just to ask wtf does janky mean??
needs some work.
once paint comes, it will be better.
redo cam cover to different color
bigger wheels
redo intake the correct way
and get a new hood

Portage, MI
sorry man, not feeling it. I'll recomment after paint though
gonna suck when it rains right into your intake....
^^ yeah that could suck (no pun intedended)..yeah get a good intake with a bypass valve(I think that's what it is..) if you wanna do that..piant it up and it might turn out okay