did they total it out and you bought it back???
Slightly less damage then waht was done to my cavalier (yeah they totalled it). She ruined the expensive parts, those pretty white ones on the inside of the car, bumpers fenders are cheap, but when you blow the bags you get new bags, a new SRS module, a new dash, a new drivers side seatbelt assembly, and a new windshield kicked me for over $3k just for that, not adding any of the body work and labor.
Hope you can keep it, and I hope she is okay
oh man, im sry to hear that....
GOD how i hate the passanger airbag busting the windshield. It always makes the wreck look soo musch worse..LOL
bah you can have it back together by the weekend and if not ill take it

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Well that's no good. Glad nobody got hurt.
Damn man, glad she came out okay. Now it's time to get it fixed and come back even harder than ever before.
the wife and baby are ok. she was just sore the day after, which is to be expected. she had to stay over night at the hospital for precautions. as far as the car, i am definitely keeping it. i have big plans now. bomex front and sides, streetfire rear, lambos, projectors, after market steering wheel, invader hood, and a few extras. i'll keep yall updated.
i hate seeing wrecked J's. glad to hear the wife and baby are ok man. cant wait to see her when your done. gonna look hott!
im glad the family is ok! now its time to really get to work
hmmm, I guess you'll be needing another toon now, huh?
When you get it fixed up, send me some high res pics. Until then, here's another toon that hopefully makes the damage a little less painful.
your pretty good at this tooning stuff. maybe a lil to good. lmao thanks for the pic.
there is allot of damage on the front end just by looking at the secondary latch the car is punched over and will need to be pulled,, this is not a driveway fix this has to be pulled back
so why not claim insurance
can i haz bondo
there is nothing that needs to be pulled out. what IS wrong is the driver side headlight is cracked a little bit, the bracket that holds it in is broke, both fog light plugs were ripped apart(wires ripped out of plug), the driver side fender was pulled out just a hair, passenger side fog light bracket is bent. thats about it other than the air bags and the windshield.
So wait...it was tottaled and you said @!#$ it? Or you took the money and then bought it back
ummmm dude ya the core support does need to be pulled back, looks like frame rails twisted as well, trust me dude 15 yrs as a body man i see what you don`t , look at the stricker it is pushed towrds the passenger side, it needs to be pulled
can i haz bondo
Evan Bare wrote:When you get it fixed up, send me some high res pics. Until then, here's another toon that hopefully makes the damage a little less painful.

thats not nice! but its soooooo funny!
damn......... I need a toon done
oh yea, sucks the Fire got smashed up.....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, April 13, 2007 3:06 AM
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