yea so i went to bed sunday night, after finding 8-10 inches of water outside in the street, and this in my car:

about 3 damn inches of water in my car. i moved it out of the way of the water, and im glad i did. because i woke up monday morning and there was about 2 ft of water outside my dad's apartment, rite where my car had been sitting. and i was then told we would be "evacuated by boat".
(by the time i left the apartment the water was about 4 ft deep and all the way up to the windshield line of that honda)
and then water started creeping up into the parking lot of the complex.

as we left on the boat, i saw this in the street.

and the geese in the street made my day a little better.
i vacumed out all the surface water, but theres still some stuck under the carpet. so im thinkin of pullin it out , letting it dry in the sun, since its supposed to be nice this weekend, and then cleaning the floor pans with an anti-bacterial cleaning agent of some sort. im trying to prevent mildew and mold growth, and the smells that come with it. ive already got the pass and rear seats out so at the very least i can suck the carpet clean with my wet/dry vac but im thinking of going the whole 9 yards here. lemme know what u guys think.
at least your car didnt look like the honduh. still sucks to hear man. its not that hard to pull the carpet, just gotta take the center console out, the seat belt bases and the kick panels. will also prevent rusting through the floor pan.

Member of J-body of Michigan.
Wow Dude That Sucks!
Hope everything cleans out well and doesnt stink. Best of Luck
yea i was stuck on the "island" of hillsborough monday cause they blocked off every road into and out of town and we got over 4ft of water in our basement everything is trashed

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
yea ive already got the console out, an the seatbelts done look too bad, but the kick panels i cant figure out. do they just pull off or are there bolts im not seeing? it looks like it should just pull off but it dun wanna break anything by doing that.
and yea, lol lots and lots of agua! hopefully if i do this rite, ther will be NO smell. but who knows haha.
Please god take then entire carpet out and dry it.
If you've ever been in a car in the junkyard with wet carpet padding, you would know why, and if not, lets just say it is REALLY nasty smellin.
Just a suggestion, lol.
I SATCHMOE YOU!!!! wrote:yea i was stuck on the "island" of hillsborough monday cause they blocked off every road into and out of town and we got over 4ft of water in our basement everything is trashed
o man, at least my 4 ft of water stayed in the street. that mustve been a bitch and a half to get out all that water. theres a lotta ppl around me who had it a lot worse. i got off easy.
your better off just throwing the carpet out if it was submerged for more then a few hours i learned that the hard way

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
it was under a bit of water, but when i was still able to i was clearing it out when i could. so for most of the time it was sitting, it was just very wet.
if you can suspend it somehow and use a heater/fan or two to help it out

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
i do have a pole in the backyard at my house that i might be able to use. hmm. thanks
When you take the carpet out...hose it off. I know it sounds stupid cause you are trying to dry it but flood water is not exactly very clean. Hosing it off will take all the bacteria off the carpet. Dry the hell out of it and stick some backing soda in the car when you put it back in.
wash it out with soap and water clearly.
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ok, so... did the water receed? or...??? wtf happened, ton of rain? levee break??
damn man that really sucks, hope you can get er' all cleaned up.
David Alameda (Zspeedcav) wrote:When you take the carpet out...hose it off. I know it sounds stupid cause you are trying to dry it but flood water is not exactly very clean. Hosing it off will take all the bacteria off the carpet. Dry the hell out of it and stick some backing soda in the car when you put it back in.
that actually was my plan, i just need a really good carpet cleaner and ill get around to it this weekend.
and to answer z yaaaa: it rained A LOT this past week in jersey.mostly on sunday and monday, but it was almost like a hurricane, without the gale force winds and the things that come with that, like downed trees. it was just an ASS LOAD of rain. so much so that all of jersey was considered in a state of emergency by monday morning. what happened around me, was that on this particular weekend, i was at my dad's apartment. he lives by a river that is known to flood when it rains a lot. usually when it rains the sewers by him just back up and stuff. but there was soo much rain this time, that not only did they back up, they stopped working all together. water then started to rise up from the river near his apartment and flood into the street. i by 11:00 on sunday night the water was about 8 inches deep in the street. this is when i moved my car and found all the water, which was the worst my car saw. when we woke up the next morning the water was up to the apartments, about an inch deep( the apartments being about 20 ft from the street). at this time the rain had nearly stopped, and came to almost a heavy drizzle, BUT the tide was coming in, raising the water level from about 2 feet to about 4 feet in the street. when we were taken out at about 10:30 on monday morning was the worst of it. it took about a day and a half for the water to totally receed, and there are many MANY cars at the complex that are completely ruined. but luckliy no one was hurt, and damage to personal property was minimal to everyone there. i got off real easy with just a couple inches in my car.
long but i dunno how else to explain lol.
on to more pics:
i got all the seats and carpeting out, and the floor is down to bare metal. the only reason i had a seat in was so i could drive it around for the afternoon if i needed to. its now out drying as well as the carpet lol. (YES i do know its a passenger seat, it was the dryer of the two lol.)

back seat got wet as well, so i also took that out.

i have my seatbelt light on, and my airbag light on... i think this is why the airbag light is on:

that would be the "Air Bag Sensor" quoted because thats what the label says

this got wet, which is why i think the light is on. i can only hope im wrong, becasue i really dont wanna change this out. but i do need working airbags, so i'll find out this weekend hopefully.
the floor is completely dry. im gonna be cleaning the carpet all day tomorrow, and scrubbing the floor so nothing gets stinky. and then ill let it dry all day saturday, to hopefully get it all back together on sunday.
nice work man... lol nice description of what happend, but i still dont get something...
u said when u went out and found ur car all flooded etc... where exactly did you move your car to stay dry?? lol... must have been a pretty high place if the water came up 4 feet and didnt flood it again!
the parking lot in my dads apartment is on an elevated angle from the street, so when we left it was about 5 or 6 inches in the parking lot where my car was, but in the street it was about 4 ft deep. it kinda makes more sense if you see it, but i dont have any pics. lol
ok so here's whats goin on now. i went to the chevy dealer near me, and explained the situation and the problem i'm having with the airbag light and such. they said since the air bag control module was on the floor under the passenger side and i got it covered in water, that the light being on probably means that the module is dead. i priced out a new one and it's going to be $330.00 with tax. not too bad, so i bought it and itll be here on monday, which means im gonna be driving around without a carpet for the next few days lol.
heres how it looks.

nice and dry
i put a desicant bag inside the car so that any ecess moisture will be absorbed. smells nice too
i got the passenger seat and allt the panels and console in my garage. theyre pretty much dry.
the back seat and the carpet are drying in the back yard. i washed out the carpet completely with laundry detergent, and its sitting in the sun for the rest of the day. it smells nice now
i just said screw it and threw out the insulation. trying to keep that stuff dry, and not smelling bad is like trying to re-use a dirty sponge. its not worth it.

i wont mind the extra noise much.
hopefully i wont need anything else other than the air bag module, but who knows. i did although bust the window switch yesterday morning. my driver's side window doesnt like going up anymore. lol. so i will need a new one eventually, but for now whatever lol.
lemme know what u guys think
ouch $330 is a pretty penny for an airbag module i coulda just sold ya mine lol
owell at least the dry out is progressing smoothly

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
ohhh GM genuwine parts... and GM genuwine prices
looks good man, if nothing else at least your carpet will look brand spanking new in the car!!! haha
lol next time i think i'll check and see if anyone here would be willing to part with something before i just go out and buy it new. haha. i like to think that i coulda had it worse though. i couldve owned that honda...
im hoping it will smell nice once its back in too
thanks for the input guys

next step: find out why my seatbelt light wont go off lol.
i got home today after school, and found that the airbag mudule had arrived

. i have to emphasize how important it can be to UNPLUG YOUR BATTERY CABLES when you are servicing an airbag system. unless u want blown bags

. i installed the module with the utmost caution, lol. everything went well, no more airbag light

. so im real happy about that.
i got most of the interior back in the car too. carpet, front seats and console. let me just say that its a lot easier to take out the carpet than it is to get back in. its more of a pain in the ass than hard, but u get the point lol.
heres some pics:
magically my seat belt went out. i disconnected the wire, so i guess if you do that, the light eventually just goes out. only catch is that it doesnt go on at all now lol. but ill fix that when i get some more time on my hands.
thanks for lookin and the advise guys