looks great man. you and major are the only 2 cavs i've ever liked that front bumper on.
love the paint choices but the car is a bit too much for me. nice, none the less.
heres a pic of my homies car and he isn't dont with paint yet.
5 seconds to find another street...
That bumper flows great with the side skirts and rear!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
The only thing I don't like is the plate in the front,which I know you must have to have there,but sweet ride!!

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
sykeeok wrote:looks great man. you and major are the only 2 cavs i've ever liked that front bumper on.
i wonder how major is doing....
I think your car slooks sweet man!! BUT I also think that a little pinstripe or something to break the colors apart would make it look even better?
love it man...such a huge change over from when the car was orange.
big poppa wrote:love it man...such a huge change over from when the car was orange.

AIR RIDE MAFIA (~airbagsource.com~) Because STOCK is boring, that's why...
I thought you sold it or something? Looks great

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
I like it but yes like said above PINSTRIPE!!!! It would look sooo much better IMO.
I dunno what or how to break the colors up. If i had a idea i liked id do it.
Just a black pinstripe would do it.
SEC-Z wrote:Just a black pinstripe would do it.
agreed...just a 1/2" black pinstripe would be perfect!!
sykeeok wrote:looks great man. you and major are the only 2 cavs i've ever liked that front bumper on.
what you dont like mine john
anyway looks good man but people may say im biased

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Heres an ok chop. I don't have photoshop installed on my new computer so I couldn't use the pen tool but you kinda get the idea.
The line towards the back would maybe be a little thinner.
You could go with a bunch of different colors other than black. I did it accidentally first with orange and although maybe not the best color, it didn't look bad. All just a personal preference.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, June 10, 2007 8:57 PM
Put your front plate behind the mesh that's what i always do haven't had any problems. only time i had problems is when the plate was in my windshield.
car looks great everything really flows and like others said black pin stripe would be perfect or even a dark silver or gunmetal pin stripe.
Cant put the plate behind mesh it would take me 5mins to get a ticket here.
Also i dunno if i link just the simple black line, and theres a ranger here with 2 tone white/green with orange breaking it with a tribal design allready.