Well i finally picked up some seats for an awsome price... They just need a little cleaning up and some custom brackets and ill be set to go!!
Let me know what you think
Recaro Redline Seats Front/Rear

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
nice those.....from a redline?
those r some sweet seats!!!!! what'd u do run home and take pics of them?...lol jk.....u have no idea how bad i hurt!!! i am soo burnt and prolly am gonna have like 1000000 blisters on my feet!!! i went to farmer jack and she asked if my face hurt! but ya...since i got wayyyy off the subject!!! i like ur seats a lot! lol
steph wojnar wrote:those r some sweet seats!!!!! what'd u do run home and take pics of them?...lol jk.....u have no idea how bad i hurt!!! i am soo burnt and prolly am gonna have like 1000000 blisters on my feet!!! i went to farmer jack and she asked if my face hurt! but ya...since i got wayyyy off the subject!!! i like ur seats a lot! lol
Thanks, and of course i had to come home to take some picks!!
As for hurting, i dunno if you can top off how bad my face/neck hurt right now, lol!! Its terrible. I def learned my lesson on sunscreen

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
JUCNBST wrote:nice those.....from a redline?
Yep from a redline!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Those look really nice. The blue in them could go well with your car.
I had a hell of a ride home. Almost had to pull over to puke from the heat exhaustion.
I feel like crap & I've got a splitting arse migrane headache.
You, me & Steph might as well be 3 lobsters in a boiling pot at this point...
It was fun hangin' out with you & Steph today. (minus the sunburn)
Think I'm gonna go lay down now...

AIR RIDE MAFIA (~airbagsource.com~) Because STOCK is boring, that's why...
awww kevin i hope u feel better!!!!!
good luck getting them to fit.....they are really wide in a j. well in my sunfire they were.
i ended up getting rid of them.
*************Yea i spell liek wrong get over it*****************
** If i write in caps its cause im @ work and i can only write in caps cause the keyboard is a retarded CAPS only keyboard.**
lol sounds like you all were in the desert. Nice seats BTW
Snowman wrote:good luck getting them to fit.....they are really wide in a j. well in my sunfire they were.
i ended up getting rid of them.
Im gonna try my best to get them in... I have a question tho, what did you do about making brakets?
I havn't had a good chance to see what i need to do yet, so some insight would be awsome considering you sound like you got em' in?
And yea it was a really hot day today at the show!! Kevin, steph and i all got burnt!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
For the brackets, I used the How to in the interior forum...http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=45&i=86745&t=86503#86745
I done them for RSX seats, looks great in the car. Take me a couple of hours to do but in the end, it's worth it!!!
Nice buy, show us the progress!
damn u! your the one that outbid me!!!! hahahaha
oh well man.... i didnt want the blue, i woulda had to recover that section anyways.
you got a HELL of a deal for them, most cobalt ss FRONTS go for more than you paid for the whole set of redline's. i did however find a cobalt ss rear seat for $160.00 shipped, i thought that was a damn good deal.
NIIICE!! Cant wait to see them in there. Good luck with the install!!!!
hurry up and put these in teh jeffie has spoken

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
z yaaaa wrote:damn u! your the one that outbid me!!!! hahahaha
oh well man.... i didnt want the blue, i woulda had to recover that section anyways.
you got a HELL of a deal for them, most cobalt ss FRONTS go for more than you paid for the whole set of redline's. i did however find a cobalt ss rear seat for $160.00 shipped, i thought that was a damn good deal.
What you talking about i out bid you... I didn't get these off ebay!!! LOL. I actually got these cheaper than what the ones were going for on ebay!!
I actually found these from a guy on redline forums from wisconsin. And yesterday, he actually drove them to me at the Desired Image Show!!
I might as well tell you guys the price, im sure someone will end up asking... But i got the front and rears for $350.00 Delivered!!! The guy said they were a little dirty and a stain on them and passagner side didn't recline. But come to find out they wasn't really that dirty, and there was nothing wrong with the reclining. Works just fine.
So im not really complaing i got them for 350 delivered!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Well i just though i would share that these are really gonna take some modding to fit. Because like 'snowman" said they are to wide for the J. But i believe they are only to wide if you try mounting them close floor board like they are in the ION's.
I think i found a way to mount these utalizing the Factory seat brackets. Im just waiting on my neighbor to bring me some steel from work!! So in the mean time im gonna go chill in my "recaro's" in the living room and watch some tv.... Gost they are some very comfy seats!!
I will keep you guys updated on these tho!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!