wow very impressive. nice work you do. i also kinda like the front bumper. overall very nice.
to make the bumper look perfect would require a trans am hood or similar and new lights that would span the gap, basically do a front camaro clip, thanks for the compliments
paint job looks good. nice details.
wow, thats some great work there, nice paint job. yes, either a trans am hood or a ss style hood which i think would flow much better. would a few shots of the front bumber with better lighting be possible? once again, nice job, and it's def. different.
diffrent is the key word here, i was going for a "roxy tshirt kinda theme but pumped up to custom paint standards
Is it me, or is the rear sagging ALOT in that car? Maybe its bagged? I dunno..........
Other than that, intense work! Amazing quality
Devin Russell wrote:Is it me, or is the rear sagging ALOT in that car? Maybe its bagged? I dunno..........
Other than that, intense work! Amazing quality
i noticed it aswell, the reas might be blown, i know thats the problem with mine.....
sommin is up but well get the stance right when the new wheels n tires go on, plus the drive way is at an angle so its "flexed" out it was a total before we fixed it up
almost looks like the green cav in the background of pic 5 has a clear hood..........
yes it does why yoiu havnt seen it on here i dunno but we will be painting something fun on it and i'll post it up when im done
Sean jek wrote:almost looks like the green cav in the background of pic 5 has a clear hood..........
thats exactly what it looks like
nice ! it's a nice paint job! you really got talent ! the bumper is quite nice as well defenatly one of a kind
i like that front bumper needs some sides to match but i really like it.
In my honest opinion I think it would have looked better stock. It has nothing to do with the quality of the work. The flowers and the car look very good. I just do not think that the wing with the front and the flowers... well to me it just does not seem to go well together. But to each their own. On a sidenote the girl is a cutie.

i need more and better pictures im not sure on it yet but from what i can see good work

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Put a Bomex rear on there and it will match the front. That is what that front end looks like to me on there. Paint work is nice.
FU Tuning
I like it, hell, it's probably something I'd do when I have a daughter old enough to drive
the paintjob is amazing...u did a real good job, the front bumper though.....definitely looks out of plface
that looks hot!!! very nice work and the girl is pretty cute too lol, I think a SS style hood would look killer on it now, I had to look twice I thought it was a cobalt with cavalier head lights lol
Manta Green cav with the Import Fighter front bumper is teh sex!!

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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Some sideskirts, wheels, and a drop and that thing would be hot!
I'd hit it.