I assume MEDIA would be an appropriate category for a question like this.
I have been approached by a company (I have yet to call back) for sponsorship, they say they have some openings for partial sponsorship avalible...
There is a $90 setup fee involved.
My questions are:
Is this a scam?
Is the $90 a legitimate request?
What kind of Advertisements could I expect on the car? And how big?
Should I even persue this further?
I've never been consiered for sponsorship, with ANY othert car I have Owned or worked on. and am quite nervous at calling them back...
Can I het help from Allready sponsored people??
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
especially with your 'mods'
* removed stock intake box
* New Cone Intake
* uhhh...new hubcaps?
* I got an oil change too... does That count? lol
* Redone soundproofing (waterproof)
* Kenwood Deck
* New trunk Padding (fast job - as dad needed driveway...Dynamat soon though)
* LED's in door panels
* Led's in front console-illuminating floor
* Viper Alarm
* silverstar 9007 bulbs for headlights-damn nice...
* Kenwood KFC 3010 Subs (2)
* Kenwood MP532-U Head Unit
* Alpine 450 Monoblock AMP
* Rockford Fosgate 6.5's in rear
* Sony Xplod 6.5's in front (swapping soon- because they SUCK)
* USB input for deck in glove box
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:57 PM
...allows you to receive a body kit of your choice up to $825.
The only requirement to this full sponsorship is for you to attend local car shows and promote
BodyKits Etc. That's it!
Apparantly there's NO fee, I light just call em' to hear em' out, ittl only take 5 minutes, and cant hurt to at least See what catches are...
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
Alexis wrote:scam
especially with your 'mods'
* removed stock intake box
* New Cone Intake
* uhhh...new hubcaps?
* I got an oil change too... does That count? lol
* Redone soundproofing (waterproof)
* Kenwood Deck
* New trunk Padding (fast job - as dad needed driveway...Dynamat soon though)
* LED's in door panels
* Led's in front console-illuminating floor
* Viper Alarm
* silverstar 9007 bulbs for headlights-damn nice...
* Kenwood KFC 3010 Subs (2)
* Kenwood MP532-U Head Unit
* Alpine 450 Monoblock AMP
* Rockford Fosgate 6.5's in rear
* Sony Xplod 6.5's in front (swapping soon- because they SUCK)
* USB input for deck in glove box
Now, im not sure what you were implying by putting "mods" in Quotes.,and i probably dont want to know.
And I might not be as "Modded" as ANY of you, but that doesnt mean i CANT GET SPONSORED.
Now, i NEVER SAID i I would snap it up immidately, but hey, its my first time being "considered" (Scam or not) for Anything I have done.
oh, and YES, I am actually very pleased wiht my so called "Mods".
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
i had them call me to, i guess i signed up at a car show in NY.........never been there but ok
listen to everyone else its a scam, but its your choice
when they screw you over all we can say is told you so
Alright, u gotta be talking about www.carsponsorships.com or what ever it is...and YES ITS A SCAM!!!!
the biggest thing u gotta ask ur self is ..IF it was a real sponsorship would have to PAY for it???? and i have also got the VERY sam email...and they say they have a spot avalible for ur area but need ur answer casue it will be filled fast.
PLEASE dont do it!
so what i SHOULD do, is fill out a fake form, using a crapass cavalier, with crap everything, and still see if i get considered?
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
You should not call back and forget it ever happened. You will NOT be approached by sponsors. It takes hard work and a car with some modifications to even get in the door. You have none. Sponsors will not make you pay for their service monetarily.
you will get concidered
i tried it with a car that doesnt even exist and they said they would sponsor me
if that dont scream SCAM i wouldnt know what would
and like aaron and alexis said, sponsorship gives you money so why would you pay them?
alexis, devine modification, because I think our definitions ar messed up.
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
unless you already have alot of BIG mods to your car your not getting sponsored by a REAL company
Let's see...
You have lights, a cone filter, and some audio.
You know what? I'm sorry, man, I was wrong. This sponsorship has to be real, I don't see how you're not out winning shows already.
cavalierkid02 wrote:you will get concidered
i tried it with a car that doesnt even exist and they said they would sponsor me
if that dont scream SCAM i wouldnt know what would
Yeah sure will...
They will sponsor my 2.4 Chuck Norris if I wanted
allright, i get it, no sponsorship, happy?
1 Sarcasm isnt needed, i see you're big now eh?
2: Modification is defined as:
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source mod�i�fi�ca�tion (mŏd'ə-fĭ-k�'shən) Pronunciation Key
The act of modifying or the condition of being modified.
A result of modifying.
A small alteration, adjustment, or limitation.
Biology Any of the changes in an organism caused by environment or activity and not genetically transmissable to offspring.
A change undergone by a word that is borrowed from another language.
A phonological change undergone by a word or morpheme when it is used in a construction, as the change of will to 'll in they'll.
mod'i�fi�ca'tor n., mod'i�fi�ca'to�ry (-k�'tə-r�), mod'i�fi�ca'tive (-k�'tĭv) adj.
(Download Now or Buy the Book) The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright � 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Yes i know, now somone is going to say that "changing your gas is a mod then". but i wanted to point out that
I Now Know That This Sponsorship Is Not Real
Technically I DO have "mods" as the world sees it, so dont go bashin'
I asked for help, I got it, I didnt ask to be made fun of.
Im sure that IF you got "sponsored" you would be elated at the idea.
At least I didnt just GO with it. ( not saying anyone DID)
I havent made fun of you, so what gives you the right to make fun of me
Thank you all.
and Alexis, i realize you were only telling me this because I have no "mods", but lets NOT continue with the bashing/Flaming/WHATEVER
I will not be checking back into this again, thanks.
Thrice . wrote:i think you should go back and try to actually order some cam valves. see if he has any in stock. then ask him to give you an actual price and show you the website or anything legit about where he orders from...for all you know he is this dumb, and orders things that don't exist....he's probably got 10 of those ebay transistors that gave him eleventy hundred pony power....what a douche.
i told them i had a chevy diablo and the guy said "oh yeah i have seen a few of those they are really really nice cars, or is that a truck?"
hey i like my best buy special sound system
it rattles my mirrors
I'm not bashing you, just trying to make you understand that your level of....modification....will not attract sponsors.
i'd say call it up and see what they say. i used sponsorhouse.com when i raced motocross to get sponsors. cost me 50 bucks but it allows you to fill out a resume and turn it in to companies that have various sponsor openings and sponsorship levels. i ended up with 12 major sponsors and saved me over 2 grand off of retail product prices...so if its anything like that it could be a good deal to get your car built up.