first and foremost.........thanks a ton to JR Thompson. as much as i hate to admit it, he did more than his fair share of the work.
well, as some of may know, i got DTP's green vert at the end of january. it looked pretty good, with one huge exception: one of its former owners met a tree while going backwards. this was the product after getting hammered back out.
so i got lucky and practically stole this rear quarter that was on ebay. $100 for a $700 part.....yeah, ebay rocks!
so last night somehow jr and i started talking. fast forward an hour and we had scheduled a very impromptu meet and work day. so i started tearing the drop top apart around midnight. i worked until like 8 (including cleaning the garage and pushing the project 67 mustang of my roomie's outside). this is what it looked like this morning.
jason, broken hand and all, jumped right in drilling out the spot welds.
fast forward a few hours (due to having to go to the rents' and steal a drill and batteries, as mine died in no time) and the quarter is off.
here is the culprit. "she's dead jim!"
got everything ground down and prepped the edges. also pounded the hell out of the trunk area to get everything to line up right.
trimmed down the panel (long story...but it was for a coupe. not sure if they are supposed to be like this, but it had "cavalier convertible" on a tag on it). test fitted to car. looks nice.
such an improvement already.
then we had to weld it on. tack tack tack tack in about a hundred different places.
and this is how she sits right now. jason had to get back to his wife before she killed him and i didnt want to become an accessory to murder.
the trunk isnt bolted on, but it actually lines up now!
and thats all ive got. overall, it wasnt too bad. usually projects like this are littered with stuff going wrong (at least for me) but this went really smoothly, albeit about 3 hours longer than planned. not too shabby for two guys who've never done something like this before, eh?
it was great meeting jr.....super nice guy and funny to boot. thanks again man...! i owe you big time!
tomorrow i plan to clean it up some more and put everything back together and make it drivable again. leave comments and enjoy!
Nice. Good to see it fixed. Whats the plans for paint? Spraybomb?
i really like your wheels bro, looks good and very well done. quarter panels are usually a big pita when doing them, but it looks like yours went very well. keep it up and get her painted.
so.... thats what a vert toren down looks like? man cool progress... i heart verts so much !!
Looks good. Brave welder there.... I'm suprised the padding in his cast didnt catch fire from the spark.
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
just walked in the door 25 mins ago. man that was a job, but like you said it went very smooth. remember only whorring now is you and those 2 cars. like i said i want to see progress!!!! oh btw gpot pulled over on the way home. 71 in a 60!!! but he was cool as can be and let me off with telling me what the speed limit was an to slow down. and i said yes sir. very nice meeting you to.
Hahaha! I have been talking about the underware gnomes all day today! Thats wierd!
Anyway, Looks awesome dude! Looks like it went really smooth. Can't wait to see it all one complete color!

Go Go OG Traction!!
props for doing it the right way, i would've laid some mud and called it a day LOL
Not bad, not bad.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
take that bitch outside and wail on it for a while, eh? you know you want to have NO IDEA how excited this just made me
can I buy it back? lol
very nice!
now get some paint on it!!!!!
Damn Jason is the man doing that ish with a broken body part!
ProfessorJ (Phlatcav) wrote:Damn Jason is the man doing that ish with a broken body part!
Sommer wrote:very nice!
now get some paint on it!!!!!
These two said it best.

awesome ben..that came out of no where!!
you should have called..i would have came, stood there, and watched
thanks for all of the nice words guys!
im waiting on the sealer to dry so i can go back out and clean it up and then start on the top. i hope i get it done soon enough to take it for a quick trip with the top down so this beautiful weather that we're having today doesnt go completely to waste
a big thanks again to jr!
about freakin time

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Nice work buddy,I should have just paid you to come and fix my car,lol.OH and you could have picked up both of my quarters
for that price,lol

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
wow, you guys work quick. I did one of those last fall and it took forever. I like the thread title.
Yeah man its about time! that guy had a balls to work on it with a broken arm.. reminds of me playing hockey with a cast on years ago.
Get some paint on there soon!