"lol" sticker is off center might want to take it back and have it fixed.
lol remindes me of what we did to meckster's car.
MRThompson (jrthompson) wrote:"lol" sticker is off center might want to take it back and have it fixed.
No.. its JDM.
looks awesome. start selling it!
I got that sticker on my Banana the other day, I was all wtf
i wonder if he raped anybody on the way home.
LMAO it sounded like you boys were having a lot of fun lastnight...
I removed most of the penis detail for the trip home today.
My lug-nut that sheered leaving the seat portion remains, and my sitting and bouncing on the hood last night left a nice dent! Haha.
Good night, thanks again guys.
mitdr774 wrote:z yaaaa wrote:LMAO it sounded like you boys were having a lot of fun lastnight...
Meh, it was alright.
homosexual undertones thread?
All is mint again.
Those lugs were my dumbest purchase to date, garbage, local place had the socket and zipped it off in no time with minimal damage to the rattle-can specials, very irresponsible on my part to use those.
@!#$ PINSTRIPE!! 15 minutes with the hair-dryer I finally got the remaining strips off
For Jay's enjoyment, dumped on pink-accented fan-blades-
Thanks again <3.
<3 sorry i didn't make it out!
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:Joe Schulte > Meckster... DUH!
I cant decided I loves them boths
Mecks car still wins tho since I started it
Satch Timeline Progress Thread
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.