i just dont understand people some times

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Man that sucks buddy, It happened to my Mustang GT last year. Takes forever to get clean too. Good luck
no, luckily it froze over the 4hrs no one was up so it was starting to melt when I caught it..just sprayed right off..but the boy who did it will NOT have a fun day to look forward to..
I think a good ol fashioned house TP is needed..
time for an ass whoppin...

I must confess... I feel like a monster!
cant..I kick his ass, I go to Jail..Assault on a minor and what not..
I was worried that would happen to my car, left it parked on the road. That sucks man, people have no respect.
damn dude. that blows.

that looks like its all under the spoiler n @!#$ too, that came out easy?
i can honestly say if i knew who did it there'd be a little more than just a TP coming to them. lol.
Chuckles2002 wrote:cant..I kick his ass, I go to Jail..Assault on a minor and what not..
tell him he gets first shot.

I must confess... I feel like a monster!
Chuckles2002 wrote:cant..I kick his ass, I go to Jail..Assault on a minor and what not..
thats why you wear a mask
z yaaaa wrote:Chuckles2002 wrote:cant..I kick his ass, I go to Jail..Assault on a minor and what not..
tell him he gets first shot.
Not sure about Indiana, but in Wisconsin after the first 3 swings it's considered self defense =]

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
Ya i hate when people f with your @!#$! I had people draw on my windows all the way around and put other stuff on the car twice. Except the second time they got my apt. Douchebags got it coming to them!
Ya i hate when people f with your @!#$! I had people draw on my windows all the way around and put other stuff on the car twice and they still think it is funny. Douchebags got it coming to them!
Ya i hate when people f with your @!#$! I had people draw on my windows all the way around and put other stuff on the car twice and they still think it is funny. Douchebags got it coming to them! They are j owners too, dirtyj and sportypt03.
If he has a car...get some brake cleaner and spray!

Better results than eggs.
Being a car enthusiast, I would never @!#$ with someone elses car as payback. They would pay somehow though.
That's bull
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yea..I know where he lives..they deal drugs out of the apartment..so..Cops are going to love an "anonymous tip"...
He goes to school w/ me..I'll get him to confess and I'll have witnesses..he can go to juvy for this in Indiana..first offense is a warning, second is straight there!
1straitcavy ... wrote:Ya i hate when people f with your @!#$! I had people draw on my windows all the way around and put other stuff on the car twice and they still think it is funny. Douchebags got it coming to them! They are j owners too, dirtyj and sportypt03.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
Its not funny. but if the persons responsible are car enthusiasts, it shows on their lack of love for their own car. cause if you loved your car, you know how bad it would feel to have this happen and wouldnt even think of doing it do a fellow enthusiasts.
eggs are so high-school though. base ball bats are in now...
Ya its so funny when you come out to go to work and find that you cant see then have to wash your car when its like twenty degrees outside. Just wait your time will come. I dont run like you and your buddy tyler.