This is my fiances 01 2200 cavy. I talked her into buying this after she wrecked a couger early this year. I had my rims from my old j and I know how to work Js now after owning one for almost 6 years so it made since.
I like it a lot and wish she would let me throw my old air ride stuff on it. She says anything but that so this is what ive done so far.

THis was when she first got it and I had only put the rims on it.
And how it sits now
Thats my 06 GMC canyon behind it.
Cavy mod list
Tein S techs
Vibrant muffler
Weapon R intake
Panasonic cd player (out of my old J)
17" TSW VX1rims (off my old J)
Wings West Big Mouth (this was my original 1st choice on my mine but went with avenger kit instead so I figured this time around I could do this one)
I think thats it right now
looks like phews old DD. but either way still looks good lol
Looking good keep up the good work!!
I think the only she really wants to add now is a hood. I kick myself in the ass for getting rid of mine. But after a couple years of holding onto things you start to let parts go.
worst front bumper evar!
j/k the car is lookin good. so have you just had you air sitting around for the past few years since you got rid of the cav?
worst front bumper evar!
j/k the car is lookin good. so have you just had you air sitting around for the past few years since you got rid of the cav?
I have a set of brand new front air struts and my old set of air struts sitting at my dads garage. I sold 4 of the 8 valves and 1 compressor. I would only need to weld up new rear mounting plates on this car since the old ones left with the old car. WHich i hear got bagged again. My friend thinks he spotted it a while back with a two tone paint job.
its getting there! put some mesh in there!
WiGM-Tuners member.
Yeah im going to put the mesh in. SHe didnt want it at first but she told me yesterday that she does now.
So strange to see you back without the green one
But looking good.

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.