Nice....Another one to watch...Jeez you guys are killing me...LOL !!!!

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
Good on you for getting right back into a crazy project. What color or colors are you going to paint it this time?
"Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers"-Colin McRae
Damn you dont waste any time.

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
although i certainly respect the car and enjoy it... i couldnt help but notice you doing it to a perfectly good car.
wouldnt a total POS be a better one to do a complete body change on??
z yaaaa wrote:although i certainly respect the car and enjoy it... i couldnt help but notice you doing it to a perfectly good car.
wouldnt a total POS be a better one to do a complete body change on?? 
He is simply turning a perfectly good car into a much cooler and more personalized perfectly good car.
I see no waste.
2.4L FTW.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
End: 2.2 auto
Start: 2.4 5sp.
That's why I would do it.
You work fast!
I like the skirts a lot better now. In my opinion you should go with a dark color this time.
z yaaaa wrote:although i certainly respect the car and enjoy it... i couldnt help but notice you doing it to a perfectly good car.
wouldnt a total POS be a better one to do a complete body change on?? 
Like mine !!!!

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
If this was the suspension forum everyone would be all over him for the KYB GR2s....

thank you for the comment its nice
my car is currently still under construction
and the color I'm not decided
give me ideas and suggestions
so happy your starting again! evil eyes look great! projectors look great!
and im very excited to see what color you go with!
keep posting pics! haha
plum crazy purple. fadded into black.
1999 2.4L w/ nitrous