The infamous dash crack.
Caught it on the way to work this morning, It was not there yesterday either. Figured it was only a matter of time since most of my main upgrades have been suspension or chassis related.
This is the 4th 3rd gen (3rd cavalier, the 4th was a fire sedan) and it never happened in any of the others.
I don't care though, I'm just happy my spare dash never sold so now it can be fixed
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 07, 2010 2:42 PM
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- THE Dash Crack.jpg (82k)
Lol, I'm waiting for mine...I know it's going to be any day now!! My car turns 6 years old in a few days so I know it's inevitable, haha!
It's so gay. I bought my 04 with it... and then my 02 did it when it was sitting on jack stands while I was replacing the motor.
My car has had the dash crack ever since I bought it 7 years ago with only 40,000 miles.
had it in my 97 Z since i bought it in 05. it got worse though. last year i went over a bump and a piece of the upper dash fell into the dash. so now i have more of a dash hole. yet my 95 has 188k and no crack. 95's ftw i guess.
Just got mine over the winter also.. and the car sits all winter!!
Just ordered the Coverlay piece so we will see how good that ends up looking.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
HAHA sunfire coupes dont do that.
my 04 has it, its slowly getting worse. I need to order a coverlay for it.
the skwirl's dash had it a long time ago, put a coverlay on and loved it.. then modified the dash for an STi gauge pod
coverlay is awesome.
I had my dash cracks( i had two in my dash) since 2006. Bought a coverlay dash piece a month ago for it and installed it. No more dash crack

WI Vehicle A/C Certified Tech
12 years old and still going strong, no cracks

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
DaFlyinSkwirl (Pj) v2.0 wrote:my 04 has it, its slowly getting worse. I need to order a coverlay for it.
the skwirl's dash had it a long time ago, put a coverlay on and loved it.. then modified the dash for an STi gauge pod
coverlay is awesome.
I am glad to hear good reviews about the coverlay. I may have to modify mine before install too!
Did you use the supplied adhesive or go another route?
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
When i got mine I used the supplied stuff. I repainted my piece though, because i ordered the dark gray and it was pretty light. I recomend ordering black.

WI Vehicle A/C Certified Tech
My dark grey was also light, but other than that i love it.
Bought my Cav in 05 with 13 miles on it and still no crack. However, I loosened the screws for the part of the dash since I was told the overtightening GM does causes it.
I ordered dark gray also. Luckily I have leftover Mopar Agate paint that is almost a dead match to stock graphite. I kinda thought dark gray wasnt gonna cut it. Oh well. too late to change to black now.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
my 99 never had it in her 10 years of life...
my 2004 sunfire never had it either.
Anyone have some installed pictures of this coverlay? I found a local dash that I can pickup for cheap to keep me moving with my project but it has the infamous crack. If the coverlay covers pretty well I may just purchase the dash + coverlay and be on my way.

BaggedOn20s wrote:Anyone have some installed pictures of this coverlay? I found a local dash that I can pickup for cheap to keep me moving with my project but it has the infamous crack. If the coverlay covers pretty well I may just purchase the dash + coverlay and be on my way.
I do

WI Vehicle A/C Certified Tech
I bought my 04 with one crack and then after the suspension 2 more appeared.. Time for the coverlay piece to be ordered.
BaggedOn20s wrote:Anyone have some installed pictures of this coverlay? I found a local dash that I can pickup for cheap to keep me moving with my project but it has the infamous crack. If the coverlay covers pretty well I may just purchase the dash + coverlay and be on my way.
Would also love to see installed pictures. I also debated on swapping another dash into the car.. but would be totally discouraged if months later it happened again.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Sorry to be jacking your thread if it seems i am, but here are my pics.
this is right out of the box just sitting on top
It was bugging me so i had duct tape over it since 07
THis one started in 08, but never progressed after that
I ordered the Dark gray, which was light to i painted it a little bit darker
I just realized i don't have a pic with it glued on, but i can get one if you guys want one

WI Vehicle A/C Certified Tech