Rims would love some Big Brakes!
I actually kinda like the front and its different to.
If you want cheap parts check out the GM Tuner Bash swap meet thread in the events section
does the side skirt come like that or do u have to actually put it on haha j/k man i like the front end because its Diff its just way to big and bulky
Ecotecforum on FaceBook
Im lookin for a new bumper because i would like to lower my whole car but it already scrapes everywhere. it is bulky huh lol.
It doesnt seem to match the level of the side either IMO.
its alot lower than the skirts...idk, i fail
Please destroy this bumper. The pissed off catfish bumper makes any car look like a flaming bag of dog@!#$.
Bumperless > catfish bumper. But that's just me.
Adam rioticx wrote:Im lookin for a new bumper because i would like to lower my whole car but it already scrapes everywhere. it is bulky huh lol.
had to quote myself. I am looking for another. Lol
Why is it in primer?
Oh and I almost ALWAYS have some parts for sale bumpers included
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
ummm nice motorcycle blinkers in the front airdam?? i have those exact ones on my hardtail....lol
pics of the green interior? im curious lol
You're right, I dont like the bumper, its hideous..
If its that ugly, and you know it is, Im wondering why you would change out the stock front for it? Makes me giggle when people put on such hideos @!#$ just so they can have a kit.
It's in primer because i'm painting it lol. And bbring me a drift bumper
Props, I didn't care for the original color (If this was the lime green car) or that front.
Streetfire or sunfighter (I think that's what they are called) and evil eyes=win
Adam rioticx wrote:It's in primer because i'm painting it lol. And bbring me a drift bumper 
No dice on that one fresh out lol
Mike wrote:Props, I didn't care for the original color (If this was the lime green car) or that front.
Streetfire or sunfighter (I think that's what they are called) and evil eyes=win
If you mean like the 2 I have its sunfighter
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
change the front, nice paint job,
air, it would would look absolutely wonderful.
K. Lol its want the fighter oneeeeeeee... but idc. Bring one to the bash swap?
Buying a sun fighter bumper at the bash