wholy jesus ouch. good luck with the monstrosity. hope you can bring it back.
and lolz at the bomb.
I'm confused why you'd buy that back

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Definitely needs some lovin.... what happened? lol.
Cheap as hell is why :-) and I wanted another project and needed a car ASAP. I sold it with a blown motor and got it back for the same price with a motor lol
@blu: its infested wit roaches blah. If anyone could bring it back its me :-)
Dear Jesus. Just put it out of its misery.
Miss Jazer wrote:Definitely needs some lovin.... what happened? lol.
Sold it, bought a boosted Z blew it twice, sold that, bought a Civic, traded that bought a Mazda 6, crashed that (sleep behind the wheel), bought this. Times are hard and everyone who knows me personally on the org know my reasons behind getting her back and why I had to.
Put her out of her misery? Its easier to fix her up then to throw out a perfectly good working car. Go look for my old build thread and see her original transformation, this is nothing
i thoroughly believe that you could simply spray some carb spray over that 'paint' and it would drip right off leaving the OEM color behind.
I feel like taking a tinkle on an ecNOtec...
wow that what scares me about ever selling my car, some @!#$tick getting it and doing something like that to ti.
wow. some people should just not touch cars.
i wish you luck with this man. it looked awesome before you sold it. can't wait to see what the end result is.
z yaaaa wrote:i thoroughly believe that you could simply spray some carb spray over that 'paint' and it would drip right off leaving the OEM color behind. 
You know thats possibly true, maybe I should grab some mineral spirits and go to town lol. Nah the drivers door was replaced and the fender needs to be changed so it will be resprayed.
Spencer wrote:wow that what scares me about ever selling my car, some @!#$tick getting it and doing something like that to ti.
Believe me a tear came to my eye when I saw it in person, the springs are even cut springs
Jon D wrote:wow. some people should just not touch cars.
i wish you luck with this man. it looked awesome before you sold it. can't wait to see what the end result is.
Thanks man, I cant wait to get her done, this will be fun.
I also went back to the guys house today and picked up some sportlines and a door panel. I also found my old z bumper there, still contemplating if it will be put back on.
Sad to see the changes, but good to hear it's running now. I'm watching this one for sure
wow talk about two steps back lol... i loved how you had it looking. it was perfect.
Good luck on the rebuild. Hope to see it back to it's former state.

Good luck. I loved the look of the car before. I have faith youll get it looking good again.
Dear lord. The roaches would have been enough for me to send it to the shredder.
Good luck with the rebuild. Should be fun!

Supercharged 2002 Cavalier Z24
J-Body / GM TUNER Bash Veteran
good luck i want to see it back the way it was!

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
Thanks for all the responses I will respond later on tonight.
ok havent been able to lift the car yet, will do so tomorrow but upon driving it my girlfriend noticed the smell of burning oil. As I was driving smoke started coming out the engine bay. Upon further inspection I checked the oil filter and that thing was hanging by a thread, 6 turns later it was back on.
I started the car back up a couple of hours later and noticed the leak was still there, long story short the filter has a huge crack in it and the oil is coming out through there.
My theory is someone was trying to take it off and broke it or they used a filter that was lying around.
Any other theories?
Wow. I loved your old look, it was perfect! But hot damn did that thing take a turn for the worst! Good luck getting it back to its former beauty!
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Its funny the looks went to hell but mechanically (minus ssuspension) it was upgrade..new trans new motor working a/c tilt steering graphite interior lol

ʇı ɹǝʍo7 | ǝcoMonstǝrs
Looks like that car had a trip to Iraq and back

The person who had this before you bought her back needs to be slapped. Seriously. Granted they did give you all the new stuff (Motor, trans, interior) but they took a beautiful car, made it hideous, and HOW THE HELL DOES A CAR GET INFESTED WITH ROACHES???!!!??!?! Lol. Thats nuts. Goodluck man. If I had the chance to buy back my old car, I would too. I have too many memories with my old J and I really miss it, so I know what you mean in having to buy her back. Goodluck man, I cant wait to see her in tip-top shape again!!!
Definitely going to be watching this one.
Green 04 Sedan a work in progress.......
"Sometimes doing the right thing means pissing people off."
GEN(ret.) Colin Powell