Heres some pics of when I finished it.
Looks pretty much the way it did look when it came out of the factory. Dont get me wrong, it does look good.
Love it. So clean and classy.
I would love to remove the cloth door inserts and replace them with some leather like you did.
I REALLY loved that fire, JUST the way I would do one. Im sure the LSS will look good though.
Shame it went so quickly! Looked great.
Thanks for the comments guys/gals. Stargrrrl , yea it sucks it didnt last long, but the rust is starting to take over and its not worth dumping anymore money into it. I lliterally lost s chunk of rocker pulling the jack out from under it,Thats how bad its getting. So, moving on to a newer/clean cav.
that leather is sticking around till i get my fingers on another Cavi.
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
Damnit I still want the interior, I've been chasing it around for ever now
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
haha, i also have his wheels
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
I'll make you a deal you can keep the wheels if you give me the interior
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
the seats goin in luis' 02 lss.
ShowOff Customz
03 Cavalier
73 Beetle
68 Fairlane 500
Very nice and clean. The crosslace look is nice, too.
2010 Honda Fit LX
HeyHey, Sorry the interior isnt going anywhere, but the interior of my cav lol. Sorry Jeff
idk I heard the interior was going in a 95 cavalier from Florida....hmmm
Your little bro is one lucky @!#$. Sucks that the rust is taking it over, love the clean stock, yet tasteful mod look.