Ok guys, I might race my friend with an '05 Acura RSX (non type s), AT A TRACK**. We both have standards. He has some more hp than me (like 155 or 160 total, so only 15 horses more), but he only has (130 lbs of torque), so do you guys think I can take him. I know his gears are longer than mine, but that means I should accelerate faster in each gear. So has anyone raced one of these?? And how did it go?
you should win pretty easily the ones i ve run into at the track have trouble going 15s
15.4 @ 89mph
yeah, you'll beat him.
and omg, a thread from vs. got moved to racing. lol
(Not complaining)
yeah the non type s are slow, and by slow i mean slower than a cavalier so thats petty damn slow. you should win.
this is wierd... i dont remember if i posted this in versus or if i posted it here, lol. whatever. yeah i think i can take him to. the RSX weighs more than a cavy stock, and he has a full audio system, thats gotta add some weight. and i get my Megan 2.5 inch exhaust tomorrow, so that will help me in the powerband some...
FYI, RSX base is 160HP 141tq
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
OMG...another post in the wrong forum.
from the top OF THIS PAGE! Autocross (Auto-X), Drag Racing, Road and Track Racing spoken here. Street racing, on the other hand, is NOT spoken here. This forum is for legal racing only.
Get out with your illegal crap

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Team Vision Racing (aka hypsy) wrote:OMG...another post in the wrong forum.
from the top OF THIS PAGE! Autocross (Auto-X), Drag Racing, Road and Track Racing spoken here. Street racing, on the other hand, is NOT spoken here. This forum is for legal racing only.
Get out with your illegal crap
Woah... woah....
Calm down there big shot. He said it was at the track. lol
i dont wanna read. I'm just tired of street racing posts so I've stopped reading. Besides many people say its at the track then we see them bragging in the old VS forum about winning a street race against the same car they were supposedly racing at the track.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
I'm sick of seeing these "can I beat a...." posts.
If you ACTUALLY went t the track...you'd already know what they run!!!!
RE Audio
Lash wrote:I'm sick of seeing these "can I beat a...." posts.
If you ACTUALLY went t the track...you'd already know what they run!!!!
AMEN BROTHER! if theyre asking its because they aint going to a track to find out.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
You should be able to take him off the line, but it may pull on you in the higher gears (3rd/4th)
Lash wrote:I'm sick of seeing these "can I beat a...." posts.
If you ACTUALLY went t the track...you'd already know what they run!!!!
Lol, I love it when people think they know the facts and gow make assumptions instead of asking qeustions to learn more. Wow, way to show your maturity there bro.... My friend has not gone to the track, so I dont know what he runs. I live in CO and the times here are a lot different than in just about every other state. Cars usually run around two seconds slower up here. Maybe not that drastic, but close. While I have heard of what the RSX is supposed to run at sea level, I have never actually seen one at the track and I am not going to make an assumption at what they run at this altitude. I just wanted to know what others that have either seen them at a track or know what they can do as opposed to a Cavy, would say.
Also I think its funny how people will just assume your street racing so they can go start up one of their anti street racing arguements, since they have nothing else to do. I said I was going to that track, thats the only place I will race. Don't go make assumptions, read the d_amn post and you will know the details....
RSX has 155 hp and 130 lbs of torque by the way...
You should still have him beat.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
yeah its really sad, all the guys that bitched about street racing got the vs forum shut down and now that nobody really talks about street racing on this site anymore they still bitch about street racing.
thats because people like you come into a real racing forum and ask questions like
where as in the vs. forum it was just blatantly straight forward
i have a manual 2.4 and always smoke type s'. always. yay for cavy's
base RSX's can run mid 15's stock wit h a decent driver. With the K20a3 engine they have the same setup as the 02-05 Si. Type-S's can run mid 14's with a decent driver. Those K20a2 and 6-speed is a nice setup, it would only be better if they had the DC5R final gear.
i've seen the same type S at the track a few times last year and this year
I've never seen him run faster than 15.5
guess he's a sucky driver, or the car is overrated... not sure which.
think im gonna take off work early and go do some street racing.
i had just about beat a RSX last year at the track. he ran a 15.0 i ran a 15.1
should seen the look on his face because i kept up to him. HaHa

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
On the street , the Type S's always pull on me from like 70+ , but the Base RSX's are nothing to be worried about.
Just watch out on top end, he'll be coming up quickly ...
Post again when you actually race. No more bench racing.