well i going to be starting my HID project soon... i got a set of Cadillac CTS HID ballasts and bulbs .. and a set of BMW M5 HID ballasts and bulbs..
im going to set the M5s up for everyday low beam driving..... then im hooking up Caddy ones to the high beams... im setting it up where when i turn the high beams on the low beams stay on still...
later on when i can get another set of good HID bulbs & ballasts from a wrecked car at the shop im going to figure up a fog light set up also so when i have the high beams on all six HIDs will be shining... of course i will only use it when no other cars are around..
heres some pics.. so watcha think? im a lil messed up right now sorry if this is a lil hard to follow.
thanx for lookin let me know what you think!!! yeah i know that alot of light.. kinda over kill.. but oh well

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
sorry bout the last one... its supposed to be this one.
my bad

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
think you can track me down some of those lights?
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
yeah, shouldnt be a prob... it will take a lil while though.. but when i do get some i will email you and let ya know what they are from and what not... you just pay shipping and they are yours... like i said though it will take a while.. took me about a month maybe a lil more to get these two sets... but yeah no prob.
laters yall

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
You make no sense to me, young grasshopper.
sweet thanks man and if you could get me the ballasts that be great i'll throw you some extra $$ if you can find me some
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
dayum hook it up, ive been wanting to do something like this for a while but i didnt want to pay an assload of money for something that might not turn out so great.
hey Mike i will give you a call when i get some more man.
Jeff no prob. i will email ya when i get some

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
your car looks like it has HIDs already in that first pic.
I'd love to see yours etup when you're done though. 6 headlights...they will probably spot you from space. lol
care to share how much they ran you? I wanna watch and see how this goes. I am very interested in addin some HIDs soon.
looks good, hope it turns out well.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
all of it was a hundred percent FREE .... i get them out of damaged headlamp assembelies from wrecked cars that come int to the body shop i work at.... the new assembelies allways come with new ballast and bulbs..... so they are free to me since they will just be thrown out!!!!
yeah its cool

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
damn nice. I would gladly take those off your hands if you weren't gonna use them. Any updates on this.
04 Cavy LS Sport
Flaked Z-Fire wrote:all of it was a hundred percent FREE .... i get them out of damaged headlamp assembelies from wrecked cars that come int to the body shop i work at.... the new assembelies allways come with new ballast and bulbs..... so they are free to me since they will just be thrown out!!!!
yeah its cool
If you come across more, wanna earn some extra cash?
holy back from the dead batman
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
Same here. I would give some $$$ if you get any extra.
04 Cavy LS Sport
hey FLAKED Z FIRE can you track down some HID ballasts and bulbs for me to??? i have been looking for some for a while but i have no luck. i wanna do an HID project too.
email me
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
ill give you some money tooo. nothings free in this world.....
2003 Black Cavalier LS Sport Coupe "Ecotec" Auto
damn looks like your gonna have some pocket change thatnks to this post huh jason
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>