I never heard of anyone putting a weight gauge in the car to see how much the car apporimetly weighs, hmm i just thought about it might be usefull, or fun. but how to do it.. hmm
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I've never heard of such a thing even existing. How the heck would it measure it??
Unless you know your HP / 1/4 mile times, it can't be calculated from inside the car... Most people need to know the weight in order to calculate them... (You could always run it at the track, I guess...)
i'm sure it is possible... but you would need to place sensors and special weight mats that would go between the suspension and the suspension mounts on the car and measure each individual sides, then have a computer that calculates it all and displays it for you to see in your car. Probably cost somewhere around a fortune. Oh and it would have to take into account the weight of you tires / wheels and suspension.... in other words... there is a reason why they havent made this...
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
Now what if it already knows the weight of your car and you decided that a few lbs of variance didn't matter. Could you put scales in the seats and do a computation based on the amount of gas left in the tank?
heh. It would still be a big waste of money. But less wasted money.
Just take it to a scale at the edge of your city that wieghs tractor trailers(semi,s) they will check it for free!
Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
yea or a junkyard i kno altho most junkyard roads are not well suited for our cars i would say.. not any yards that i have seen at least