I have seen many people having similar problems with the GP lambos and me and a friend have come up with ways to fix some of them PERMANATLY so it WILL NOT be a e-acuring problem.
I had my lower "ball mount" bearing go out and if you have had this problem im shure you know by now you cant get it to work anymore. Well we made up an aluminum bushing that replaces that ball mount and it works GREAT. They press into the hinge (or rubber hammer) then just slide the steel cap with the gas strut down in it just like you did the old mount. We will send you a set of cotter pins with it also. Maybe if theres enough intrest I will start a GP? I have pics but I wont be able to post them untill monday.
We also have a way to fix struts that had the nipple break off in the cap if anyone needs this its a
permanent fix for that problem so you dont have to keep replacing them or have your door contune to fall. (this only applys to the nipple on the rod)I had one do this and we fixed it also. Probably about $50 a strut plus shipping and you have to send us the strut you want done.
This IS professional work all of these parts are made on a precision Lathe cleaned and checked.
Anyone still interested in the 90* conversion I have NOT given up on this I just have had alot of other stuff going on with the car and have been short on $ to get it done. I will be doing it still. and the Aprox cost for it will be under 300 for both doors. I know its expenive but Its the cost of materials.
So this is an INTREST LIST:
Replacment Bushing for Ball mount:
Gas Strut Permanent Fix:
90* conversion Kit:
hey man, you know im interested in that 90* kit, but probly wont have the money, other problem last time i worked on my hinge i noticed that the thing on the strut that slides into the ball mount thing is rusted TO the ball mount, tried most everything to get it to come out, wouldnt, this is pissing me off, but if you insisit that the aluminum piece your making is going to be better than the one in there now, im game for that. once i figure out how to get the piece out of the ball mount....
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
Try bolt breaker or PB Blaster they both eat rust and break siezed parts. And the bushing being aluminum wont rust
Replacment Bushing for Ball mount:
Gas Strut Permanent Fix:
90* conversion Kit:
Uh, your not premium and trying to sell stuff? Lets hope the mods are in a good mood.
Did you read the rules of the site? About advertising and selling.
Anyways, I might be intersted in the 90 degree kit. I'll keep an eye on this.
Thanks for the warning titus but im not selling anything just checking intrest Im working on putting another Account together for my shop which is what i will be doing the GP with.
but thanks anyway!
I just got back from the hospitol a fellow J owner totaled GF in TSCU and hes messed up a bit also so i didnt get to take pics tonight. Ill take a pic of the replacement Bushing AND a repaired strut(my car) tommorw and post it.
an older test of the 90* kit with incorrect struts so i didnt get full swing out of it:
Also Ignore the strut you see connected to the bottom of the door its not used.
when i tried to sell some lambo kits for 600.00 lol everyone went for those ive had mine for like a year with no problems and they also have lifetime warrenty
go figure
Would'nt something like this void the warranty, which Joe who is running the GP gives?? From what I am reading it sure seems like it would......why not just get the parts from the company that made them?? I am just trying to understand this a bit more and make my self aware of warranty issues this could create!
"Interest lists" are not allowed. If there is a market, people will buy. You can discuss it but starting lists and what not constitutes a GP.
GP's are cheap to run. The amount you'd "lose" if nobody buys is less than what you'll make if just one person wants one.
Im not arguing with anyone on this list. If the mods have a problem with it they can contact me and we will resolve it.
As far as the warranty issues the 90* kit will most likly void the waranty because it make the hinge operate further than the regular gas struts.
As far as the repaired strut It will most likly void the waranty on the strut but not the whole hinge because the strut will still be original.
As far as the Busing that up to whoever provides the warranty, It dosent change the operation of the hinge at all it still works just like it did before so I dont see why it should.
FOr the pics it was raining all day so ill get some tommrow, sorry for the wait.